Holiday Championship – Round 1

Hey Helpers! On Sunday, Help Force logged onto Mammoth for the first round of the Holiday Championship against the Templars!

We started the battle in the Iceberg, then later moved to the Ski Village and subsequently the Stadium! The result was as follows – Iceberg: Draw; Ski Village: HF,=; Stadium: HF. Help Force won by 2-0, which is amazing and considering that we’ve been in CPA for hardly 2 weeks, makes it better! This also shows us that all the recruiting we’ve done has not gone to waste, So let’s keep recruiting and take Help Force to the next step once again!
The Event went great with everyone hyped and doing the tactics as well as formations quickly and deftly! Here are a few images from the event:

MAX: 30+


One Response

  1. I was there 😊

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