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How To: Recruitment Segments

Hey there! Welcome to the How To! Today we are gonna learn about recruitment segments.

What are Recruitment Segments?
Well, Recruitments Segments are probably how you joined the HelpForce, a bunch of helpers wear their uniform and invite you! (oh and you get points, but that isnt important, is it?)

Let’s take a look at what you need to do in a recruitment segment!

A Recruitment Segment starts with an announcement as shown below:

Version 2

A Recruitment Segment is always hosted by a Moderator or a Leader and usually is announced within 1 to 3 hours before it starts.

You must be wondering what the procedures of a ‘Recruitment Segment’ is! Well lets take a look!
Just before the segment starts an announcement is displayed:
Version 2Version 2

And after these announcements we start the segment with a few of the lines given to us.
It is also best when we use our own creativity and use our own lines to invite people!Version 2

Recruiting goes on for around an hour. If the segment is gaining a lot of attention compared to usual, segments can go longer than and hour and a half. when the segment has ended points are given!(if you have been in the rec seg for atleast 15 mins and have been active)

The point system for recruitment segments are as follow:

100 Points: FULL SEGMENT
150 Points: 10 Recruited people
+50: Every 5 people
Ex: 200-15 Recruits, 250-20 Recruits etc.
An additional 50 points is given to one person who did the best that segment and is called ‘Recruiter of the Seg’

The Following is an interview with a slippery banana peel: 

(This interview was not altered in any way, everything you see below was a conversation between the interviewer and the moderator)

Jayden91468: Hey Banana, do you like hosting Recruitment Segments?
BananaBxr: I think hosting rec segs are fun, but I hate how long one segment takes – it really takes up time :/
Jayden91468: Do you like rec segs form a helpers view?
BananaBxr: I think from a helpers view, it’s really laid-back since all u do is just say the same thing all over again. Ig I kinda miss helping out from a helpers view
Jayden91468: Do you think a rec seg is important and crucial to the helpforce?
BananaBxr: Yup, I can’t imagine how we could grow without recruiting. I guess in the future, when he get a lot of members, we wouldn’t need to do rec segs since everyone already knows what it is.
Jayden91468: ok thanks for your time banana! UwU
BananaBxr: np UwU!

This concludes our How To: for Recruitment Segments. We hope you enjoyed this and stay tuned for more How To’s for The Help Force.

Big thanks to
RorangeCPPS(rorange10) ,Ayan[KitKat89] ,BananaBxr[bananabxr], Spotty(Spotty803) and LottieGrace[lottiegrace]


3 Responses

  1. that was so good jayden gj! 😀

  2. Oof

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