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Hey there Helpers , Help Force CPO Logged in Zipline to host their AUSIA Event.
It was a Successful event as we managed to form perfect Formations with Tactics.

Here are some Pictures from the Event :

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Hey there Helpers , Help Force CPO Logged in Zipline today to host their Event.
It was a Successful event as we managed to form 3 Formations with well timed tactics.

Here are some Pictures from the Event :

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My Heart will go on…

Hello everyone,
It has been my immense pleasure to be a part of an amazing community like HF.
I still remember the day when i saw Help Force on CPO for the first time.  Continue reading

GoTW #24 – Yellowxannie

Hey there Helpers , Its time for this Week’s Gamer of the Week ! It has been grabbed by none other than – Yellowxannie ! He’s an Active user and a Friendly person . He also managed to get the Event leader after performing so well this Week in the Help Force .


The Attacker Story

Hello Help Force, as many of you I am one of the leaders of Help Force along with Ayan, Spotty, and someone else coming soon :). About a week ago I got into a situation with one of the members in our discord server and I was very immature and took the situation very poorly which has led me to step away from my leader abilities for a while and for that I’m really sorry. This is a little something that I wrote that is now being public to the community.

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Hey there Helpers , The National Armies Alliance comprising the Fashion Army , Ninjas of CPO , Help Force CPO invaded Blizzard ( The Capital of Aliens ) and grabbed it away from the opponents.
It was a successful event as we managed to win all the 3 Rooms.

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Hey there Helpers , Today the Help Force logged in Whiteout to host their Pre-Battle Practice Event.
The Event was a Success as we managed to reach 35 in the Event and the Tactics were done in the Perfect time. Lets win this Tomorrow HF CPO !

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Hey there Helpers , The Help Force logged in their Capital [ Zipline ] to host the Valentines day event.
It was a Successful US Event. [ HF CPO Always ]

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BREAKING : Aliens Violate Winter Treaty

Hey there helpers,

Earlier today, the Aliens decided to violate the Winter Treaty which was between Aliens, Fashion Army and Help Force Army. I’m here with all that you need to know!Last Saturday, a Help Force member by the name of Virtuuso attacked the MAC Discord server and the Fashion Army’s Server by mass Pinging.

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