Hello Helpers! Last Thursday, our helpers had the opportunity to lead the way once again in today’s U-Lead event. Thanks to all the helpers who attended and thanks to all the helpers who volunteered for leading the event!

MAX: 24+

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Hello Helpers 🙂 We logged on today you U-Lead Event, which was Lead by You!
The Event started with Vroom Vroom leading us at the Stadium who lead also in VC alone Snowflake.  We moved to Inside Mine and after entered the Snow Forts were they Led beautifly by Help Force Memebers.
Thank You for attending and making it again a wonderful event, a special thank you for those who led today hopefully we see more names next time.
We beleive in You all, You are the Futuer of HF .

MAX – 21+

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Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto Battleground of CPABattleground for our Ice cream themed U-Lead event! Troops we’re given the opportunity to lead today throughout Iceberg and Docks. Huge thanks to all who volunteered, see you in the next one!

Max: 28+

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Greetings, comrades! Today we logged on to the server Ascent for our U-Lead event, where the Help Force taught all the troops how to box. Boxing is an ancient art that involves ducting, packing and folding. The boxes, or the opponents, you ask? Both. This was certainly a fun event, and our troops had a great time trying their hand at leading the army. We also took part in a surprise mini practice battle with our beloved allies, the Ice Warriors! The first mega event of this month was indeed a mega success!

Max: 26

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Heyo band geeks! Today we logged on to Ascent for our musical U-Lead event! But just like every superhero story has a villain we hate, our event was interrupted by CPR. Stu sent a flashy message asking everyone to go to the Ship! Although we lost size at first, we recovered pretty quickly and then decided to give the Penguin Band some competition at their concert. Our guitarists challenged Frankie to a Guitar Battle, and our riffs totally blew him out of the water! Later, we had a small picnic in the newly decorated Forest and then headed down to the Snack Shack for some drinks and food. Turns out, Nell is sort of a VIP, as she got us BACKSTAGE PASSES FOR THE SNACK SHACK! We all ended up taking tons of selfies in the backstage before finally logging off! Here are some pics from the event:

Max: 20+ 

Comment below if you attended the event!

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