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Tip the Berg Event!

Heyy Helpers! On Tuesday, Help Force Logged onto Blizzard on CP Rewritten for the Tip the Berg Event!

We started off in Town, surrounding it and helping both our members and casual CPR players with the Happy room stamp! Later on during the event, we moved to tip the Iceberg. But unfortunately, we found out that the berg could not be tipped then. We then proceeded and helped members to earn the Igloo host and Party Host stamps, which are the 10 and 30 penguins at your igloo stamps respectively.
The event went great, maxing over 30 and the tactics were done neatly too! Here are a few images from the event:


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[US] Army Training

Hey there Helpers! Today, we logged onto Mammoth and did a US training event!

Today was our first time trying a different time within the US timezone. As requested by those in Western US, the event time was pushed out 3 hours behind the usual US event time. The max was not as much as we hoped, but those that attended the event made it a great one! Read more to see some pictures from the event!

MAX: 15+


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HF & Christmas Trivia

Howdy Helpers!! Help Force recently hosted their Trivia along with a Tactics event on Mammoth in CPATG!

The event was hosted at a US time and although USA timezones haven’t been our strongest, every helper who did come came with great enthusiasm, with tactics and formations beautifully done to hyped up troops during the trivia. 

The trivia went amazingly well! There were 2 rounds, an HF round and a Christmas round with several questions based on general knowledge. Once again, everyone was hyped and eager during the trivia.

A huge thanks to everyone that came! Be sure to come to other events throughout the week! <3

Here are a few pictures were taken during the event:

MAX: 16+

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CPR December Catalog Guide

Hey there Helpers! It has come to my attention, that a lot of you have been asking about the catalog secrets. So from now on, each month I will release all the catalog secrets!

Read on for a guide on getting all of the catalog secrets!

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[AUSIA] Comeback Event

Hey there Helpers! Earlier Help Force logged onto Mammoth on CPATG for their Ausia Comeback event!

Although the max wasn’t all that great, the event nonetheless went great being an Ausia event, with the members doing tactics and formations actively and with enthusiasm! This event too had great coordination just like the previous one! 
Here are a few pictures from the event:

MAX: 18+

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Admin Cup

Hey Guys, Help Force logged in yesterday in CPO to have their Admin Cup !!!

The newest administrator in the Help Force server – Attacker had challenged Ayan (The Owner) for a Card Jitsu Tournament. Voting took place and 2 teams were formed; The 1st lead by Ayan and the 2nd lead by Attacker.

Attacker’s Team won the Admin Cup when Attacker defeated Ayan in a tie-breaking match of Card Jitsu Fire. Well done to both teams!!

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Mission 1000 + Trivia

blog 1 part 2

A Very BIG News to Announce is that The Help Force has Made their Way and have Achieved the Feat of Completing their 1000th Stamp Helping Mission !!! Little late but here we are! Continue reading

GoTW #9 – Amber

Hello Guys , Time for the Gamer of the Week Post !!! . This Week’s GoTW has Been Grabbed by Amber on CPO. She is a Very Active and a Friendly Player on CPO and also one of the Prominent contender for getting the Moderator Role in the Help Force Discord. Cheers!


Card Jitsu

Welcome back everyone! Today we had an awesome card jitsu tournament and sadly it was also the last tournament in which one of our members Webshade would partake in. After about an hour of battling, the winners have been announced.

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Battle Training

Welcome back everyone! Yesterday HF logged onto Alaska for a scheduled practice battle at the berg and eventually in the crowded areas of Town. Although we could only max eight people, our formations were still perfect and we had recruited some members along the way.

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