Hello Helpers! Last Sunday we had a very interesting event where we logged into CPAB and got some surprise promos and obvious retirements! congratulations to those who got promoted for their hard work! and welcome if you joined to team just now! glad to see you guys here, hope everyone had fun! Thanks to Jo and Beasto for leading!

MAX: 26+

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Zenishira and Chocolate Bar Join Staff Team

ZIPLINE – HF CAPITAL: Shortly after the M&M retirement, Help Force welcomed two new staff into its ranks as Generals. Choco and Zenishira, during today’s AUSIA training. Both new staff have worked hard during their tenures as juniors and have certainly earned their place as staff. Zen is often found deep in the mines as he recruits for the Motherland, while Choco can be seen attacking anyone who comes near him. I reached out to both Zen and Choco for comment on their promotion.

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