[EU/US] Operation: U-Drill

Greetings Friends and Troops! Today we logged onto CPR – Ascent for a very amazing yet fun Event! Led by Joe, Nelly, and many troops from Help Force, we had great practice at many rooms around the island! Thank you all for attending and till many more creative and different events and battles yet to come!

Max: 32+

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CPA Today

Hey Helpers, welcome to CPA Today! CPA Today, brings you news from all across the CPA Community, with the latest ongoings in all the armies!

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The HF Beacon


ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon! After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!
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Greetings Friends and Troops! Today we logged onto CPR – Ascent for a very amazing yet fun Battle with Ice Warriors! Led by AyanBarnito, Nelly, and Joe, we had great practice at the IceBerg, Stadium, and Docks! Thank you all for attending and till many more creative and different events and battles yet to come!

Max: 43+

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CPA Today

Hey Helpers, welcome to CPA Today! CPA Today, brings you news from all across the CPA Community, with the latest ongoings in all the armies!

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Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto Zipline in uniform and practised tactics as well as covering some of the basics, such as bombing and practising general formations. The event was lead by Ayan, Joe and Barney. The rooms were Town, Stadium, Iceberg, Inside Mine, Docks and Snow Forts. Well done guys for another amazing event!

Max: 49+

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The HF Beacon


ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon! After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!
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[EU/US] Battle: Blue Storm

Hello Helpers. Today we logged on to Club Penguin Rewritten to battle the Silver Empire yet again, however they didn’t turn up. Resulting in a 6-0 score. Regardless, we hosted an Icecream Takeover which was really fun! We cut the event short because of the amount of time we waited for Silver Empire. The rooms were Town and Underground Pool, and we were led by Ayan, Joe, Nell, and Barney. Great job today guys!

Max: 43+

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Hey Helpers! Today we logged on to Clubpenguin Rewritten to battle the Silver Empires but they fleed: 5-0. Instead, we had a fun Practice Battle with Red Ravagers! We did some great tactics and formations and the rooms were Town, Inside Mine, Iceberg, Docks, and Gift Shop! This event was lead by Ayan and Joe! Great job today Helpers!

Max: 43+

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[US] Crushed Candies

Hey Helpers! today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten for the 4th battle of the Silver Rush War. We had some great tactics and fast formations in all rooms lead by Ayan, Joe, and Wynn. Thank you all for attending! the score is now 40

MAX: 40+

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