Help Force Daily: Desireus Threatens the Simps

Hello Helpers, today we are going to talk about a very controversial threat that was announced against the Simps by Desireus earlier this month, and how the Helpers stood in his way and made sure that this Threat will not be the end of the Simps.

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The Witty Dreamer’s Handbook – Revlerie

Welcome back, Helpers and Dreamers. It’s The Witty Dreamer’s Handbook again! We are here with another exciting dream by Revlerie. This time, the dream is adventurous. So get yourself some popcorn and be ready to enter the Dreamworld of Rev!

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Faces of the Force – JazXD

Hello Helpers! Today on Faces of the Force we are happy to introduce one of the most amazing and active members in the Help Force who has been grinding through the ranks since he joined the Community! Recently, he has joined the Junior staff to become part of the Help Force staff team. Please everyone welcome today’s Face of the Force, JazXD.

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The Witty Dreamer’s Handbook – Rooboo sees HF’s Destruction

Welcome, Helpers and Dreamers! It’s The Witty Dreamer’s Handbook here. After an exciting New Year start, we have come up with a new blog column containing a bunch of exciting dreams. It is what you guys have been dreaming of people as part of the HF community.

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