Heyya folks, looks like everyone was down for some family time this Saturday! First, we all assembled on CPAB, and Commander Jo ensured that all 18 penguins did not cause too much mayhem. Then we raided BEASTO’s igloo for some warm time and a hilarious trivia game (an HF tradition). Thank you to Foxy and Enderlemon for recording this memorable event and leading our family with their amazing voices.

MAX: 18+

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Origin of the name: EnderLemon

ZIPLINE, Help Force Headquarters- In an online community like ours, names are quite an important aspect of anyone’s profile. They are the first impression of an individual. Help Force staff members are the representatives of the army, and the impression they make is extremely important. In this edition of this post, we will be delving into the story behind the name of one of our Second Lieutenants EnderLemon.

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