Hello Helpers! Today, we logged on to CPAB for the quarterfinal of March Madness X against the Aliens of CP. We won the battle and managed to qualify for the semifinals! We also had some promotions after the battle! Congratulations, Lucifer, for Marshal! Congratulations to the new staff team members Swepels and Kirby for becoming Generals and for HF Power Troop! Also, congratulations to Deadbush and Miggie for Major General! Congratulations, Akira San, for Lieutenant General! In the end I want to to congratulate GeoIonut for HF Achiever!  Huge thanks to Beasto and Diwix for beautiful leading and special thanks to everyone who came to this battle!

MAX: 36+

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Hello everyone! Today we logged on to CPJ for a Stamp Segment, we had fun, danced, and helped other people to get stamps too! Thank you, Diwix and Jo for leading the Event! Thank you to all the attendees for coming!

MAX: 35+

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Greetings fellow Helpers. Today was the day where Project Conquest was kicked off by Help Forcewho started off their campaign by capturing Land 29 which is right next to their own land. Today also was the day where Snowflake and Selene were introduced back into the Staff team. Fellow Staff members Ru and Diwix became Staff of the week! Huge thanks to Jo and Diwix for leading todays event and to all who came! Waddle on!

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Food for Every Soul

Hello Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul by myself, Mayathefirst! In this series I interview people from the Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes. For this week’s recipe, I decided to interview one of our OG staff members who came back to help out: HF Admiral: Diwix!

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Hey Helpers! for this war battle against People’s Imperial Confederation, we defended the great server of Hot Chocolate once more and were able to secure a 3-0 win in favor of the Help Force. Thank you Rooboo, Beasto, and Diwix for leading, and thank you all for attending!

MAX: 19+

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Spill The Tea – Diwix

Welcome to Spill The Tea! A column full of jokes, gossip, and entertainment! The eighth edition of this column, hosted by Delitager, brings Diwix to the spotlight.

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Beginner’s Guide to CPA Battleground

ZIPLINE, HELP FORCE CAPITAL – Hello fellow Help Force troops! CPA Battleground has recently been released. But what is it? How does it work? Well, this is a simple guide to CPA Battleground works and its cool features!

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Howdy Folks! Today we logged onto CPR, Zipline for an AUSIA Water Suit takeover! We did a great deal of cool and chaotic tactics at the Town, Ice Rink and Ship Hold! The fun event was led by Scorp, Desireus, Diwix and Ivelkov! Thank you all for coming!

MAX: 31+

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Hello Helpers! On Wednesday we logged onto CPR to promote eco-lifestyle with Green Recycling Shirts! We did amazing tactics at Town, Docks and Beach followed by a thrilling fashion show! Congratulations to all the winners and thank you Maya, Snowy, Diwix and Beasto for leading!

MAX: 23+ 

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Hey Lads! Today we all logged onto CP Rewritten, Server -Ascent, for yet another Team Fire vs Team Water battles. Team Fire was led my Rooboo, Mantiuxx, Diwix and Yoda, whereas their rivals Team Water was led by Javi, Kenzie and AbsoluteTrash. This time around, in another rare occasion, Team Fire proved to dominate over their counterparts and clinch the win, in a 2-0 victory over them, the 3rd room being a draw. Team Fire definitely put up a pretty good fight this time! Until next time lads, keep seeing you all around in big events, battles and games in Help Force!

Max: 30+

Comment below if you attended the battle!

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