Greetings Friends! Today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten to battle against Templars! We waddled through the Docks, Snow Forts, and Inside Mind! Led by Wynn, Scorp, Desireus, and Rooboo, it was a great success and win!

MAX: 28+

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Hello lovely Helpers! Today, we, Help Force, logged onto AscentTown to have a fun event with a cute Pizza custom outfit.

The Pizza Takeover was led by Desireus & Scorp for 15 minutes. Voice call was led by none other than Dinosaur (Desireus), followed by Igloo Raid that was organized to visit members’ Igloos.

Make sure to comment your Discord Name and Rank below if you attended!

MAX 27+

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Faces of the Force – ASV


Hey Helpers! Welcome back to Faces of the Force, the series where a new helper is interviewed as we get to know them better! This week I interviewed the amazing ASV!

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Updated HF Uniform: December 2021

Hello Helpers!

Till the successor of CPA: The Game gets released, we need to continue to depend on CPRweritten with our uniforms. The catalogue was recently refreshed again and that, of course, can mean only one thing – yet another update of the Help Force’s Uniform!

From now on, for all the Battles, Trainings and Operations we will be wearing the items listed in the post. It is necessary for everyone to equip with them and get ready to swing into action!

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ZIPLINE, Help Force Capital – The Help Force logged on to the our home server today for a U Lead event! We donned our special uniform for this event, which was the troops’ pick of their favorite instrument! The troops were fascinated about the intricacies of leading a Club Penguin event after witnessing all of those World War VIII battles. So we decided to give them a chance to lead! Altogether, the event was a great success, a huge thanks to all the troops who led. A special thanks to ROOBOO for organizing it! <3

Make sure to comment your Discord Name and Rank below if you attended!

MAX: 35+

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The HF Beacon


ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon! After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!
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Hello there Amazing Helpers! Today we logged on Zipline of Club Penguin Rewritten for a Gameday Event, We did some wonderful tactics and formations in town led by the staff! And then it was followed by a lovely Scavenger Hunt hosted by Vixx! Thank you all for attending! 😀 Until Next time

MAX: 20+

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Howdy Ghosts and Skeletons! Today we logged onto CPR for the last event of ’21 HF’s Halloween Theme Week! Hope you enjoyed the fun tactics, a branch battle between the two teams, and a treasure hunt at the end! Everyone wore their best spooky outfits and had a great time at this huge party! Thank you everyone for leading and Scorp for organizing it!

MAX: 22+

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Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten for our defense of Ice Breaker, and successfully defended our territory. Amazing job, Helpers!

MAX: 21+

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Greetings Friends! Today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten along with PIC to dominate the Snow Day land! Successfully, we took it and marched upon greatness once again! Led by Ayan, Scorp, and PIC, it was spectacular.

MAX: 28+

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