Faces of the Force – Savant


Hey Helpers! Welcome back to Faces of the Force, the series where a new helper is interviewed as we get to know them better! This week’s face is the amazing Savant. 
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End of the Year Awards 2021 – RESULTS

ZIPLINE, Nelly’s Broccoli Garden — Howdy Helpers! It’s been more than a week since we brought to you the categories and the nominees for the End of the Year Awards 2021. After a few exciting days of tallying the votes, I’m finally here to show you the results!

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The HF Beacon


ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon. After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!
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Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto CPRewritten for the second event of our Gameday – a pizza-themed event! Everyone wore their pizza aprons and afterwards, we had a Pizzatron 3000 tournament. Congrats to the winners, and thank you Maya, Mantiuxx, and Nervous for leading.

Max: 20+

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Greetings Helpers! Today we logged onto Zipline of Club Penguin Rewritten to have our amazing mining themed event! Everyone got into their mining hardhats as we did various tactics through Town and throughout Inside Mine. The event ended with a Cart Surfer Tourney held for everyone, congratulations to those who won! Huge thanks to our leaders who led in today’s event! Thank you to those who attended as well, till next time!

Max: 23+

Comment below if you attended!

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Hello Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR for a Practice Battle against our allies, Ice Warriors! The battle was led by Wynn and Snowy! Thank you everyone for coming, we put up a good fight! Congratulations IW and see you next time!

MAX: 21+

Comment below if you came!

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Faces of the Force – Aqualisa


Hey Helpers! Welcome back to Faces of the Force, the series where a new helper is interviewed as we get to know them better! This week’s face is the wonderful Aqualisa. 
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Hello Helpers, today we took to the server Ascent with our Puffle jackets and sweaters to parade about the fact that Puffles somehow still aren’t in the game yet even though they’ve had over a year to do it now. But i would like to thank Snowy, Mantiuxx, and Maya for leading today, and thank you all for attending!

MAX: 25+

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Greetings fellow Helpers of the force! Today we logged onto Zipline of Club Penguin Rewritten to have our last event of the year! It was amazing and touching to reunite altogether for the last event and yet make it beyond special! Led by staff, junior staff, and troops; we had so much fun so thank you to everyone who participated!

Max: 48+

Comment below if you attended!


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Faces of the Force – Maisie


Hey Helpers! Welcome back to Faces of the Force, the series where a new helper is interviewed as we get to know them better! This week’s face is the outstanding Maisie. 
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