Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto Battleground of CPAB for a practice battle against our allies the Ice Warriors! The battle initiated at docks and went through several rooms including Iceberg, Snow Forts and ended at an extra room, Stadium due to some technical difficulties experienced by the judges and some of our troops. Nevertheless, through all the hassle we managed to score a 1-2-0 win! GG to the Ice Warriors. Huge thanks to Alex, Diwix and Desireus for leading throughout the battle and thank you to all who attended!

Max: 25+

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Greetings everyone! Today we participated in a practice battle with Rebel Penguin Federation It was our first battle on CPA Battleground which turned out to lag a lot and disconnect us but we still had a great time filled with laughter and tears. Thank you for leading Wynn, Maya, Alex and Zen for helping out, and all Helpers for joining us! Good Game RPF, till next time!

MAX: 21+

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Well, hello hello helpers, in our most recent event we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten with our fancy outfits for this dazzling fashion contest! Thank you all for attending, and great job today helpers.

MAX: 41+

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The Beacon

ZIPLINE, Scorp’s Office – Welcome back to The Beacon! Big news, lots of it, since the last edition happened. We’re excited to present to you a brand new version of HF’s special dose of entertainment, let’s dive straight into it!

Editors Note: The Beacon will be publishing much more frequently in the coming weeks.

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Faces of the Force – Rev

We are back with another weekly Faces of the Force! This time around we would like to introduce you to a very special guest! This week we have cordially invited rev, a familiar face in Help Force who you see many times talking to everyone!

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Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto CPRewritten for the finals of March Madness ’22. Thank you Wynn, Snowy, and Scorp for leading. Thank you everyone for attending, and congrats to IW for winning the tournament.

MAX: 66+ 

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Faces of the Force – Delitager

Here we are, another week, another Face of the Force! Today we have a special introduction to an amazing person in the Help Force. Introducing an artist, a muse, the greatest and most fabulous Delitager!

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Greetings everyone! On Thursday we logged onto CPR for the Abominable [US] MONKEY MASSACRE! At the drill, we mastered with such a performance, for the practice was a great triumph! Thank you everyone for coming and thank you Wynn for leading!

MAX: 17+

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Greetings everyone! On Tuesday we logged onto CPR for the Abominable [EU] MISSION: CRUSH THE SHIELD! At the training, we dominated with such a performance, for the practice was a great success! Thank you everyone for coming and thank you Wynn and Snowy for leading!

MAX: 18+

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Hello everyone! Today we had a spectacular time battling Red Ravagers! We wore dark blue and our blue jerseys during this battle. A huge thank you to Scorp, Maya and NervousZippo for leading! Thank you to our allies, Red Ravagers and all the troops that attended for coming!

MAX: 27+

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