ZIPLINE, Scorp’s Office – The Veteran’s Lounge is a column where I interview Help Force’s most impactful or interesting veterans. Through these columns, we find out more about their past and the things they’ve learned! In today’s release we have with us Morty, one of the oldest legends and founding members of the Help Force. Like seriously, this guy is ancient. Not to be confused with Mortimer Morty Smith Jr.
Spill The Tea – Delitager
ZIPLINE, Scorp’s Office – Welcome back to the spectacularly entertaining column Spill The Tea. In this post, I force Delitager, the writer of this column, to herself spill some tea about herself and her interests. I know, it is quite an amazing inversion of roles. This is why I’m the best thing that happened to this website, suck it Jayden.
Hi Folks! Today we logged onto CPAB for an intense battle training! Congratulations everyone, the performance was really great! Thank you all for coming and thank you Snowflake and Wynn for leading it.
MAX: 36+
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Hi everyone! Today we logged onto CPAB, Ice Breaker for a funny, dinosaur-themed practice battle against our allies, Ice Warriors! Sadly the game couldn’t handle letting all those dinosaurs out and crashed for many people. Thank you for everyone who stayed with us till the end and thank you ROOBOO and Snowflake for leading!
MAX: 25+
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Hello everyone! Thank you all for coming to the Ducks Takeover today and joining Hide and Seek game! Hope you all liked it. The event was led by Maya, ROOBOO and Nervous, who also organized the game. Congratulations all the winners!
MAX: 18+
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Salutations everyone! Today we logged onto CPAB to bid farewell to one of our Second in Command – Scorpion Demon! Thank you all for coming to this very nostalgic chaotic event! Hope you liked it, Keep Unleashing the Power of Helping! Have a good retirement, Scorp!
MAX: 41+
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Hi Helpers! Hope you all enjoyed this anti-sleep event and don’t regret sacrificing your rest to attend it! Thank you for that and thank you Snowflake and Wynn for leading us today. Keep Unleashing the Power of Helping and see you next time!
MAX: 21+
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Hi Helpers! Thank you all for coming to the Disney Takeover at our Sunday Mega-event. Congratulations to all the winners of the fashion show, hope you enjoyed your time as much as I did. See you all next Sunday, Keep Unleashing the Power of Helping!
MAX: 26+
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Hello guys, gals and non-binary pals! Today we logged onto CPAB for the annual Community Pride Parade! Thank you all for joining us and showing off your true colours. We had a good time chilling at the Pride Month custom party and participated in a fashion show. Hope you enjoyed!
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Hola Helpers! Thank you to all who showed up at our Corn Giveaway Event. Hopefully, you ate enough of it because that’s all the food that you are gonna get this year. The event was obviously led by Wynn, accompanied by Nervous and Deli, we did some great tactics at the Stadium, Ice Berg and Dojo. Check the pics below and see you next time!
MAX: 25+
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