Hi everyone! On Friday Helpers logged onto CPR for an animal-themed event, wearing all sorts of animals costumes! We had great formations and tactics practice at Town, Night Club and Docks, which were followed by a fun hide and seek game! Thank you all for coming and Maya, Snowy, ROOBOO, Snowflake and Vixx for leading!

MAX: 35+ 

Comment below if you attended the event!

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Get To Know The Staff – Alex

Welcome back to Get To Know Your Staff! In this series of webposts, one by one, I kidnap my fellow staff members and interview them about their experiences in our glorious gracious motherland. Continue reading

CP Knowledge: Card-Jistu Water

Welcome to another post of the series CP Knowledge. This is a series where I will talk about every single minigame on Club Penguin, continuing today with Card-Jitsu Water. The posts include how you play the game, its history, stamps, trivia, and a personal review of the game! Hope you enjoy it!

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Greetings Helpers, today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten for a fierce practice battle vs the Templars, We shined brightly doing some truly spectacular tactics lead by Joe, Wynn, and Snowy, Thank you all for attending, keep unleashing the power of helping!

MAX: 40+

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Hey Helpers! Today is Juanita Day! so to celebrate we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten for a Crab themed eventWe performed some amazing tactics and formations lead by Joe, Wynn, Snowflake, Yoda, and AbsoluteTrash across the Town, Beach, and Iceberg . Thank you all for attending!

MAX: 35+

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Hi Helpers! today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten for a Hydro Hopper Face off vs the Ice WarriorsWe did some beautiful tactics and forms lead by Snowy, Maya, and Diwix across the Stadium, Iceberg, and Docks, followed by some Hydro Hopper after. Thank you all for attending!

MAX: 17+

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HF Insight: Celebrations

Hey Helpers! Welcome to HF Insight!

Table of Contents

  • What’s been Happening
  • Week in Short
  • Walver’s 5th GOTW Statement
  • Army Statistics for the Week
  • HF Insight Insider Information

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Greetings Helpers! Today we logged onto server Ascent of Club Penguin Rewritten to our cheesy pizza-themed event! Everyone got into their full on pizza outfits and did various cheesy tactics through Town, Pizza Parlor, Lighthouse and finally ended at the Docks. Massive thanks to Wynn, Jayden, Diwix, Desireus and Mandal for leading in today’s event! Thank you to all who attended as well, until next time!

Max: 25+

Comment below if you attended!

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Howdy Helpers! How are you doing on this fine day? I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and remember to relax too! We’re surely getting our part of the fun! Today we logged on CPRewritten on server Ascent to celebrate commander Nell’s birthday! cough that’s me hehe 😀 cough We put on our finest party items, best dresses, suits and even pizza outfits like Snowy xD, and went out to party! thank you Maya, Wynnie, ROOBOO, Snowy and Phoenix for leading! And a huge thank you to everyone for attending <3 I couldn’t have wished for a better way to spend my birthday 😀

MAX: 36+

Comment below your thoughts about our event!

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Greetings Helpers! Today we logged onto Ascent of Club Penguin Rewritten to have a bubblegum-themed event! Everyone chewed their bubblegum as we did various tactics through Town, Docks and ended at Ski Village. Huge thanks to Maya, Snowflake, Desireus and Alex for leading throughout the event! Thank you all as well that attended, until next time!

Max: 30+

Comment below if you attended!

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