Hey Helpers! Today we logged on to CPRewritten for another fun event! It was an amazing event where we had fun with different formations, tactics, and emotes at the Iceberg, Coffee Shop, Cave mine, and the coffee shop. The event was led by our new Generals, MandalAlex, and Lyd! Thank you Generals for leading, you did absolutely amazing! And thank you Helpers for coming! 

MAX: 47+

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[US] Find ‘Em Out

Hi Helpers! today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten for the 3rd battle of the Silver Rush War. We did some amazing tactics and formations lead by Ayan, Barnito, Nell, Joe, and Wynn. We firmly took home the victory and made the score 30 

MAX: 39+

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Hello Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR once again to face Silver Empire in a battle! Sadly our opponents decided to continue running away from us so the Silver Rush War result is now 2-0 in our favor! We did great tactics in Inside Mine, Night Club and Stadium led by Jayden, Wynn and Barnito. Great job everyone, the victory belongs to us!

Max: 41+

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HF Insight: The Face of War

Hey Helpers! Welcome to HF Insight!

Table of Contents

  • What’s been Happening
  • Week in Short
  • GOTW Interview
  • Army Statistics for the Week
  • HF Insight Insider Information

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HF Patrons of Patreon: Riley/Kara

Welcome back to HF Patrons of Patreon, the hottest mini-series that brings you awesome interviews with our generous Patreon donators!  Today I am joined by the lovely Patreon donator and former Ausia staff member Riley!

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Weekly Reflection

Week in Review

[18/04 – 24/04]

Hi Helpers, welcome to the another Weekly Reflection! In the series we cover some of the basic information, statistics and trivia of the Help Force. With war going on, we are all working hard on recruiting, training and battling! Let’s keep achieving new heights!


Max Averages

AUSIA: 41 [8]
EU: 36 [7]
Main Event Max: 47 [6↑]

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[EU] Spring Showdown

Hello Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR for a huge one-off battle hosted by our Brother Allies the Army of CP. Help force battled in three different rooms against Water Vikings, Ice Warriors and Army of CP. The battle took place in the Stadium, Snowforts and Inside Mine. We had some great tactics and fast formations in all rooms. Thanks to Jayden, Joe and Wynn for leading todays battle and big thanks to ACP for hosting the Spring Showdown for the army community!

Max: 36+

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Faces of The Force – Sisies


Howdy Helpers, your favourite series is here! Read the interview if you want to learn more about another known member of the Help Force. Each week we choose another one and interview them about various subjects, HF career, hobbies, Club Penguin and more! Everyone has a chance to be invited! Today’s special guest is the kind and irreplaceable… Sisies!

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[AUSIA] Operation: Retribution

Hey Helpers! today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten for the first battle of the Silver Rush War, we did some amazing tactics and formations lead by Nell across several different rooms, Silver Empire did not show up to this battle, so we took home the victory, the score is now 10

MAX: 47+

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The Dynasty Talk – Marshmallow


Hello Helpers! Introducing a new series, The Dynasty Talk! Grab your popcorn, and enjoy the newest edition of the series! Dynasties are basically the old staff/non-staff members of Help Force who’ve contributed a lot to the Army. This is where we interview them and ask them fun questions about the army, their contributions, and some of their personal life stuff. There are tons of people in the Help Force who have contributed a lot. Today I introduce to you, Marshmallow!

Marshmallow is an ex-Marshal (4ic) of the AUSIA Timezone! He has been in Help Force for almost one and a half years. Marsh served in the army as a staff member for a whole year. He also has a lot of fascinating interests, read the interview to know which they are!

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