Welcome back, Helpers! Here we have another Catalog Guide of Rainbow’s, this time Prehistoric style! Tune in to see May’s Catalog Guide, especially where to find the different Letterman Jackets!
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Rainbow’s Catalog Guide – May 2021
Know Your Ally – Army of CP
Hey guys! Welcome to HF’s newest column: Know Your Ally! A series to learn and know more about our wonderful allies! Starting off, we’re interviewing our brother ally, ARMY OF CLUB PENGUIN [ACP]
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Lydia’s Dairy Diary
Content de te revoir! It’s good to be back and writing another entry in the website’s greatest series. This week I’ll be discussing my new best friend, my exams. Introducing a new section of the series and a new ski story.
Agents of HF Troops! Alert! 3 Puffles from the Zipline Headquarters have escaped! The Detectives of Help Force finally took action and logged onto Ascent, waddled through many rooms, and looked for the 3 missing Puffles! Led and guided by our Chief Detective Joe, we successfully found the 3 missing Puffles in the Pet Shop, Night Club, and Inside Mine!
Max: 35+
Comment below if you attended the event!
CPA Today
HF Insight: The Force Remains Awakened
Hey Helpers! Welcome to HF Insight!
Table of Contents
- What’s been Happening
- Week in Short
- GOTW Interview
- Army Statistics for the Week
- HF Insight Insider Information
Weekly Reflection
Week in Review
[09/05 – 15/05]
Welcome everyone to yet another Weekly Reflection, a place where we bring you the latest army statistics and trivia! The week Help Force hosted seven events on Club Penguin along with various fun games. Good job everyone on the maxes and recruiting and let’s aim even higher in the future!
Max Averages
AUSIA: 53 [3↓]
EU: 45 [1↓]
US: 32 [4↓]
Main Event Max: 62 [4↓]
Greetings Friends and Troops! Today we logged onto CPR – Zipline for a very amazing yet fun Event to celebrate Juanita Day! Led by Ayan, Nelly, and Joe, we had a great time in the Town, Docks, and above all the Night Club in which we had Bob Ross Fro fun time! Thank you all for attending and till many more creative and different events and battles yet to come!
Max: 44+
Comment below if you attended the event!
Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto Ascent for a branch battle – team fire vs team water! Team fire was lead by Lyd, Rooboo and Diwix. Team water was lead by Des, Ken and Mandal. The rooms were; gift shop, coffee shop and forest. It was a great battle and well done to team water for winning!
Max: 50+
CPRewritten: Mountain Expedition Guide
Hello there Folks!! The all-new Mountain Expedition Party has just landed on Club Penguin Rewritten, and we are here to get you all set up for the fun expedition. Keep reading the post to know more. Continue reading