CP Knowledge: Anniversary Parties

Hii there, lovely helper! Welcome to a new post of CP Knowledge, the series where I talk about the different themed parties that were held on Club Penguin. From last time, we know all about the Puffle Parties, so this week we will be looking into the Anniversary Parties!

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CP Knowledge: Puffle Parties

Hiya helpers! Welcome to a new post of CP Knowledge, the series where I talk about the different themed parties that were held on Club Penguin. From last time, we know all about The Fair, so this week we will be looking into the Puffle Parties!

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CP Knowledge: The Fair

Hello helpers!! Welcome to a new edition of a (very old) series here on the Help Force blog, CP Knowledge! In this one, I will tell you about the different themed parties that were held on Club Penguin, starting with The Fair! I hope you’re as excited for this as I am!

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