Welcome back Folks!!! Welcome to another edition of Food for Every Soul a series by Maya and I where we interview people from Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes! For our this post , we decided to interview the Cricket lover, funny, Christian Grey of HF Major General Sam Chilies Chilles!! Continue reading
Food For Every Soul
Hello Helpers! Today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten for a friendly battle against our Brother Allies ACP in which we did some stunning tactics, forms, and speedy movements in the Stadium and Inside Mine, led by Maya and Rooboo. Followed by a fun round of Trivia, Hide n’ Seek and Skribbl to end the brawl. Thank you all for attending and thanks to ACP for another great fight!
Max: 31+
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Greetings Friends! today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten – ASCENT and successfully played a friendly battle against PIC in which we dominated and had a fun time with huge respect to them for a good game we call it! We did some stunning tactics and formations around the Town, Inside Mine, Stadium, and Cove.! Led by Maya, Snowy, and ROOBOO. Thank you all for attending!
MAX: 42+
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Greetings Friends! today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten and successfully raided igloos and got the party stamps! We did some stunning tactics then directly started igloo raiding! Led by Nelly, Joe, Maya, Snowy, ROOBOO, Mandal. Thank you all for attending!
MAX: 49+
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Greetings Friends and Troops! Today we logged onto CPR – Ascent for a very amazing yet fun Event with our Pizza Outfits! Led by MayaTheFirst, Snowy, Wynn, Nelly, Joe, Rooboo, and many troops from Help Force, we had great practice at many rooms around the island! Thank you all for attending and till many more creative and different events and battles yet to come!
Max: 34+
Comment below if you attended the event!
Greetingssssssss! Today we logged on CPR – Ascent for a very historical event! Led by Maya, Scorp, Absolute, Nelly, and Rooboo; we waddled through the town, Snow Forts, and Ice Berg! Get a chance to see highlights of today’s event and hopefully you can come attend and experience the next one!
Max: 33+
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Get To Know The HF Staff: Snowy
Greetings Help Force! After a short hiatus due to the joys of exams, the sexiest staff interviews are back! This week I had the pleasure of interviewing Snowy, one of HF’s Esteemed Admirals and also the author of Snowy’s Nap Segments! We talked all things HF and of course Ketchup! Right, Let us dive right into the interview shall we?
CPA Today
Hey Helpers, welcome to CPA Today! We bring to you the hottest news about every army of the community, hand curated by our special team!
HF Insight: #HelpForceFamilyAlwaysAndForever
Hey Helpers! Welcome to HF Insight!
Table of Contents
- What’s been Happening
- Week in Short
- GOTW Interview
- Army Statistics for the Week
- HF Insight Insider Information
Greetingssssssss! Today we had a 3-Way Battle between Team Fire, Team Water, and Red Ravagers in the Ice Berg! Dominating the battle, we had a very cool and huge Hide and Seek after and it was mainly staff vs troops and staff won woohoo! Get a chance to see highlights of today’s battle and event and it will be really amazing to come check an upcoming one!
Max: 40+
Comment below if you attended the event!