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Hey Helpers! Today we logged on Club Penguin Rewritten to have some coffee once again! Everyone got their daily dose of caffeine throughout this event as we did some amazing coffee related tactics and emotes in Town, Coffee Shop and Iceberg. The event also ended with a small game of Guess the Room. Big thanks to Jayden and Barnito for leading! Thanks to everyone who attended, see you in the next one!

Max: 41+

Comment below if you attended!

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Hello Helpers. Today we logged on to defend our motherland from the invaders — Templars. As we hyped for this memorable defense listening to YMCA, the max rose up to an enormous number. All of us fought valiantly on the battlefield, outnumbering and overpowering the Templars in each sector of the battle. Congratulations to everyone on defending Zipline. 

Thanks to our battle leaders — Ayan & Barney, assisted by Nell, Joe, and Jayden. Fear the Force. 🏆

MAX: 60+

Comment below if you attended the battle!

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Greetings Friends and Troops! Today we logged onto CPR – Ascent for a very amazing yet fun Battle with Ice Warriors! Led by AyanBarnito, Nelly, and Joe, we had great practice at the IceBerg, Stadium, and Docks! Thank you all for attending and till many more creative and different events and battles yet to come!

Max: 43+

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[AUSIA] Mine Your Own Business

Hello Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR for a Mining Event! It went wonderfully and we did a great deal of tactics and had a lot of fun at the Town, Cove and Barney’s Tour. Thank you for leading Barnito and Amy and thank you all for coming! Great job!

Max: 53+

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Weekly Reflection

Week in Review

[25/04 – 01/05]

Hi Helpers! It was an amazing week, full of events, recruiting and fun! We focused on the war with Silver Empire and came victorious from the first phase of it! Thank you everyone, staff and troops for your exceptionally hard work that gave us a score of 7-0 against the empire of chickens. Help Force Best Force!


Max Averages

AUSIA: 53 [11↑]
EU: 51 [15↑]
US: 41 [-]
Main Event Max: 67 [14↑]

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Hello Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR once again to face Silver Empire in a battle! Sadly our opponents decided to continue running away from us so the Silver Rush War result is now 2-0 in our favor! We did great tactics in Inside Mine, Night Club and Stadium led by Jayden, Wynn and Barnito. Great job everyone, the victory belongs to us!

Max: 41+

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Weekly Reflection

Week in Review

[18/04 – 24/04]

Hi Helpers, welcome to the another Weekly Reflection! In the series we cover some of the basic information, statistics and trivia of the Help Force. With war going on, we are all working hard on recruiting, training and battling! Let’s keep achieving new heights!


Max Averages

AUSIA: 41 [8]
EU: 36 [7]
Main Event Max: 47 [6↑]

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[AUSIA] Unscheduled Event

He Helpers! Today we logged onto CPRewritten, at Ascent for an unscheduled event! Led by Jayden and Barnito, we ran across the island with many formations and tactics. Good job to everyone who came for the event!

Max: 35+

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Weekly Reflection

Week in Review

[11/04 – 17/04]

Howdy Folks, welcome to another Weekly Reflection where we cover some of the basic information, statistics and trivia of the Help Force! The week was pretty busy with a lot of events and Blue Squadron training sessions happening almost every day. Good job Helpers, keep up the great work!


Max Averages

AUSIA: 49 [-]
EU: 43 [1]
US: 40 [-]
Main Event Max: 41 [8↓]

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Greetings Friends and Troops! Today we logged onto CPR – Ascent for a very amazing yet fun event! Led by Snowy, Barnito, and Joe, we had a really spectacular time waddling and touring many rooms of the island! Thank you all for attending and till many more creative and different events yet to come!

Max: 34+

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