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It was yet another glorious gracious day in our glorious gracious motherland. However, the day was not so glorious gracious for a certain Junior Staff. Our protagonist, Amealyah, recently moved into the Junior Staff living quarters. Since she is the protagonist, this story is about her.

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Dreams And Aspirations

The New Year has begun, Comrades! Thus begins the month of accidentally writing 2021 instead of 2022 in your dates. To start this year off on a fresh, positive note, I have compiled the New Year Resolutions of a few Help Force members!

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PokéStaff: Pokédex Entry #1

PokéStaff is a series of posts that will revolve around the theme of the popular video game/ anime Pokémon. Have you ever wondered which Pokémon you are? Of course, everyone has. And some of us have even found the answer to that question. The next question level of that question would be, which pokemon are the Help Force staff members? I will be answering that very question in this post! Please keep in mind that I have assigned pokemon to the people depending on their nature and not the Pokémon’s power.

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