ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon. After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!
Welcome everyone! Today we logged on CPAB for a Find Four event! We were led by Mantiuxx and Mayathefirst, and they entertained us with fun forms and tactics, then we logged on CPJ for a Find Four tournament, in which Zenishira won! Thanks to all who attended the event! :))
MAX: 19+
Hello everyone! Today we logged on CPAB for a sled racing themed event, we did some good forms and tactics led by BEASTO! We then logged on CPJ for a Sled Racing Tournament that ended in a long streak of Tied games Vedant and Pingoboii! Thanks for attending everyone! :DD
MAX: 25+
Hello everyone! Last Thursday, we logged on CPABattleground for a fun Welcome event, where we welcomed our new Batch of Junior Staff and Arcadium Hosts! Thank you BEASTO for leading the event! Thanks to the attendees for attending! Until the next one 😀
MAX: 19+
Hello Helpers! Last Tuesday, we logged on CPAB for a fun Herbert event. We did some fun tactics and forms in the stadium then we went to the Cove room led by BEASTO, then we had a fun hide and seek mini event! Thanks to everyone for attending! 🙂
MAX: 21+
Hello Everyone! Last Sunday, we logged on CPABattleground to count the attendees of the stamp segment then we logged on Club Penguin Journey to collect some stamps! All thanks to Thuanthaijo and BEASTO for leading the event! and Thanks everyone for attending the event! :DDD
MAX: 26+
Animal Interview – Roxy
Hey Helpers! Welcome to another post of the Animal Interview, in which I interview the Helpers about their pets and get to know more about them.
Food for Every Soul
Hello Helpers! Welcome back to the first 2024 edition of Food for Every Soul by myself, Mayathefirst! In this series I interview people from the Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes. For this first one, I decided to interview the person that would make this a great start of the recipe series, one of our HF Twin Oreo/Trustees: Snowy!
Penguin Style Secrets: January 2024
Welcome to the first penguin style secrets guides for the year!
I will be giving you the inside scoop on all the secrets of the penguin style each month!
This month the CP journey team has brought back some classic items that people have been requesting and even one of my personal favorites as well!