HF “13” Nominations Statement

Hello Helpers.

As you may have seen already, the nominations for the HF “13” award were released yesterday. It’s been brought to my attention that there are people who are concerned with the nominations on the list who could potentially win the award. The purpose of this statement is to be transparent and clear up any doubts that people may have about the nominees.

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HF “13” — Winter Session 2021 [VOTING]

ZIPLINE, Help Force HQ — As the winter comes to an end, and a new year brings a new life and a fresh start for many, the Help Force administration is excited to resume the induction process of the HF 13 title for this year.

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ZIPLINE, HF HQ – To all Helpers: CPR robbed us of our AUSIA Arena Semi-Finals. It is possible that they learned about two armies battling and shut down the servers.

We are not backing down! 

We will do anything we can to have our battle next weekend!
A plan will be set into action. A plan, that will go to the very extreme to make sure we WIN our battle next weekend. From this moment, we are going undercover on CPR. No Help Force blue jersey, no Help Force tactics. Our event channels will be locked for all new recruits and only our best troops will have access to our most sensitive, rewarding missions the Recruiting Squadron Segments and CSC Operative duties. If you think you deserve this role, message a Staff Member to get it.

YOUR ORDERS: Wear an intimidating black and white profile picture as a sign of your solidarity with our mission, with our army. Put #WontBackDown as your status. This mission will make Operation Blackout look like a beginner’s training assignment. We will step on the ice soon!

Our efforts from last week weren’t wasted. We will be continuing right where we left off on Saturday, and rise even higher than we would have done, had the battle occurred. We will use this time to prepare better, train harder and recruit more.
Stay vigilant, stay alert.

Help Force Commanders


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End of the Year Awards 2021 – RESULTS

ZIPLINE, Nelly’s Broccoli Garden — Howdy Helpers! It’s been more than a week since we brought to you the categories and the nominees for the End of the Year Awards 2021. After a few exciting days of tallying the votes, I’m finally here to show you the results!

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End of the Year Awards 2021 [VOTING]

This year went by in a flash and it feels like yesterday we were here voting for last year’s awards. As time goes by, our collection of memories expands. We are pleased to look back on our achievements, we learn from our mistakes and look ahead with hope. Every month brought us something new, from spectacular battles and hilarious takeovers to war declarations and dramas. Many people left and new ones joined but everyone had their personal impact on our community. At the end of the day, we have many important moments to commemorate and a lot of people to thank. It is now the time to vote for the best ones. We proudly present to you The Help Force End of the Year Awards for 2021.

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Merry Christmas Helpers!


Ornaments are shining, presents are wrapped and cookies are already waiting for Santa to arrive – must be Christmas! Hope you are all having a joyful time whether you are celebrating or not. Today, we want to invite you all to join HF’s Christmas Week and spend some of that amazing time with your friends from all around the world!

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Howdy Everyone! With Autumn coming to an end, cold weather taking over and HF Helpers falling into a deep sleep at Nap Segments there is only one thing we can do:

This time of the year, when everyone becomes nostalgic and prefers spending an evening indoors, we come with a proposition to add something fun to your day. Join HF this week as we remember some old cartoons, games and the vibes of our childhood.

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Administrative Announcement: To New Beginnings

ZIPLINE, Help Force Headquarters — Help Force aims for excellence in everything that is done, whether that is keeping the community fresh, or having proper administrative renovations. As we enter a new generation, we’re excited to announce a remodeled line of roles and duties.

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Updated HF Uniform: December 2021

Hello Helpers!

Till the successor of CPA: The Game gets released, we need to continue to depend on CPRweritten with our uniforms. The catalogue was recently refreshed again and that, of course, can mean only one thing – yet another update of the Help Force’s Uniform!

From now on, for all the Battles, Trainings and Operations we will be wearing the items listed in the post. It is necessary for everyone to equip with them and get ready to swing into action!

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