Hello Helpers! We hope you’re all as excited as we are because today we’re bringing you some big, long-anticipated news. With CPR closing and a new era on another Club Penguin server starting, we decided it’s the perfect time to begin with the Sapphires Shop and a Promotion system revamp!
Food for Every Soul
Heyyy Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul, a series by myself where I interview people from Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes! For this post, I decided to interview the energetic, affectionate, tender, lollipop taking, everyone’s friend, HF Second in Command: Rooboo!
Food for Every Soul
Heyyy Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul, a series by myself where I interview people from Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes! For this post, I decided to interview a very kind and surprising person that jumps right into the chat when least expected and highlights it with him being him. Someone sometimes called insane and sometimes luci!
When you ever feel like reviving and talking in chat, it’s always a mark when he’s around! We introduce to you he one and onlyyyy HF Commodore: Lucifer(Insane)! (I thank Rooboo for helping with this <3)
Greetings everyone! On Thursday we logged onto CPR for the Abominable [US] MONKEY MASSACRE! At the drill, we mastered with such a performance, for the practice was a great triumph! Thank you everyone for coming and thank you Wynn for leading!
MAX: 17+
Comment below if you attended!
Food for Every Soul
Heyyy Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul, a series by myself where I interview people from Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes! For this post, I interviewed the loving, helpful, enthusiastic, amazing HF Lieutenant General: Delitager!
Anniversary Art Contest Results
Hello there! As you all (should) know by now, this weeks marks Help Force’s 4th anniversary. The raccoon (i) announced the start of another Art Contest this Monday and now the winners are ready to be revealed!
Continue reading
Food for Every Soul
Heyyy Helpers!!! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul, a series by myself where I interview people from Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes! For this post, I decided to interview the sweet, helpful, loving, caring, hard working HF Major General: Eshal!!!
Food for Every Soul
Heyyy Helpers!!! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul, a series by myself where I interview people from Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes! For this post, I decided to interview the sweet, active, helpful HF First Lieutenant: xchrissyx!
ZIPLINE, HF HQ – To all Helpers: CPR robbed us of our AUSIA Arena Semi-Finals. It is possible that they learned about two armies battling and shut down the servers.
We are not backing down!
We will do anything we can to have our battle next weekend!
A plan will be set into action. A plan, that will go to the very extreme to make sure we WIN our battle next weekend. From this moment, we are going undercover on CPR. No Help Force blue jersey, no Help Force tactics. Our event channels will be locked for all new recruits and only our best troops will have access to our most sensitive, rewarding missions – the Recruiting Squadron Segments and CSC Operative duties. If you think you deserve this role, message a Staff Member to get it.
YOUR ORDERS: Wear an intimidating black and white profile picture as a sign of your solidarity with our mission, with our army. Put #WontBackDown as your status. This mission will make Operation Blackout look like a beginner’s training assignment. We will step on the ice soon!
Our efforts from last week weren’t wasted. We will be continuing right where we left off on Saturday, and rise even higher than we would have done, had the battle occurred. We will use this time to prepare better, train harder and recruit more.
Stay vigilant, stay alert.
Help Force Commanders
Food for Every Soul
Heyyy Helpers!!! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul, a series by myself where I interview people from Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes! For this post, I decided to interview the sweet, nice, helpful HF Specialist: Potatolover!!!