The helpers in the spirit of the game, logged onto CPAB on Saturday (Ausia) with the intension to play Cart Surfers! Helpers did an amazing job and had a very fun and enjoyable day overall. Some of the moments of the gameday can be seen in the pics below!
This Week In Arcadium | Week 4
It has been almost a month since the Arcadium merged with the Help Force. One month in, the Arcadium continues to host many fun events. This week, we saw more rigged Roblox games, a word search hosted by the sussiest person, and a fun game of Cart Surfer. You know, the usual rigged games.
CPJourney Guide: October Catalog Secrets
Ladies and gentlemen, penguins of all ages, gather around! Today marks a momentous occasion in the mesmerizing world of Club Penguin Journey the highly-anticipated first look of the all-new Penguin Style Catalog!
Food for Every Soul
Hello Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul by myself, Mayathefirst! In this series I interview people from the Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes. For this one, I decided to interview one of our HF Generals: Katie!
CPJourney Guide: New HF Uniform
Greetings people! So today we present to you the amazing Club Penguin Journey game, where we will be hosting many fun events and Stamps activities, but first, we need a Uniform, so we prepared an amazing one for you all!
Hello Helpers! Today we logged on CPAB, Stadium for our mission to become a Major Army again! We started off by making our first event as an operation for that mission! Thanks to everyone for making it happen!
Max: 32+
This Week In Arcadium | Week 2
This week saw several slightly rigged games being hosted by our tasty hosts. There was also some scamming going on as we fed each other to sharks. This week was a very tasty week for sharks.
This Week In Arcadium | Week 1
Following the conclusion of the first week of Arcadium, the helpers and new Arcadium Hosts are enjoying playing and hosting many fun games. A wide variety of games were hosted this week, such as Skribbl, Roblox, and Minecraft.
[EU] Master Oogway
Hello Helpers! Today, we logged on CPABattleground, stadium for the Master Oogway event. Thanks for Yoda and Nightt for leading this event. Thanks for everyone who did attend. 😀