Greetings Everyone! Today we logged onto CPR for a very special event, for a moment that we were all waiting for the entire week. First, we have a lot of fun with tactics at Town, Snow Forts and Stadium, led by ROOBOO, Jayden and Snowy and then we all participated in a massive VC party! We were singing together and counting down the time till the biggest reveal of the year – introducing The Force Arcadium! Make sure to check out our announcements channel and thank you, everyone, for coming!

MAX: 34+

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Hey there Helpers! Today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten for a practice battle versus SWAT. HF won 3-0. GG to SWAT, and thank you Ayan and Joe for leading!

Max: 38+

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Greetings Friends and Troops! Today we logged onto CPR – Ascent for a very amazing yet fun Event with our Pizza Outfits! Led by MayaTheFirst, Snowy, Wynn, Nelly, Joe, Rooboo, and many troops from Help Force, we had great practice at many rooms around the island! Thank you all for attending and till many more creative and different events and battles yet to come!

Max: 34+

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Knock knock, any helpers home? today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten for a fun igloo raid event! we did some great tactics and forms in town as well as visiting lots of igloos and getting stamps! thank you Wynn and ROOBOO for leading, and thank you all for attending!

MAX: 45+

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Greetingssssssss! Today we logged on CPR – Ascent for a very historical event! Led by Maya, Scorp, Absolute, Nelly, and Rooboo; we waddled through the town, Snow Forts, and Ice Berg! Get a chance to see highlights of today’s event and hopefully you can come attend and experience the next one!

Max: 33+

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Hey there, Helpers! Today we logged on to Club Penguin Rewritten for another branch battle between teams water and fire. GG to Team Fire for their second win in a while, and great job to both teams! Thank you to Rooboo, Scorp, Master Yoda, Alex, Phoenix, and Snowflake Soft for leading.

MAX: 38+

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Hello Helpers!!! Today we logged onto CPRwritten for a fun Graduation Caps Takeover followed by an exciting Dance Contest! We did some great tactics and formations in Town and Night Club! This event was lead by Joe, Wynn and Rooboo! Amazing Job today Helpers!

Max: 47+

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Salutations Folks! Today we logged onto CPR for an intense battle against Help Force’s mortal enemies – Ketchup Krusaders. We fought well led by ROOBOO, Scorp, Diwix and Wynn and beat the disgusting Ketchup once and for all! No more weird cookies are allowed in the server! Thank you all for coming!

MAX: 47+

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Hello, gals, gays, and theys! Wishing you all a Happy Pride Month. The entire army community logged onto Ascent to celebrate this important Pride Parade. With everyone doing joint tactics here and there, we had a lot of fun exploring around the map. Ayan, Nell, and Jayden led this parade as we did joint tactics with the Army of Club Penguin, Doritos, and then the entire community.

When everyone is treated as equal, no matter who they are or whom they love, we are all more free.

MAX: 52+

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Howdy Helpers! This evening we logged onto CPR for another breathtaking battle between our teams, Fire, and Water! The fight took place at Night Club, Stadium, and Lighthouse and was led by Joe, ROOBOO, Mayathefirst, AbosoluteTrash, Diwix, and Scorpion Demon. Thank you, everyone, for coming, and congratulations Team Fire on turning the tide and winning with a score of 2-1!

MAX: 57+

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