The HF Beacon

Zipline, GeoIonut’s Office — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon. After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!

Table of Contents

HF News

Event of the Week

Game Corner

Art Section

Person of the Week

Daily Promotions

Question of the Week

Submit Your Content

HF News

  • HF Battle! HF fought with the Aliens of CP this week for a spot in the March Madness X semifinals. HF won the battle and thus qualified for the semifinals…
  • HF Staff! Lucifer got promoted to Marshal, Swepels and Kirby to General…
  • HF Junior Staff! Akira San got promoted to Lieutenant General, Deadbush and Miggie to Major General
  • HF Hall of Fame! HF welcomes GeoIonut as an HF Achiever, Swepels and Kirby as a HF Power Troop…

Event of The Week

The event of the week is also the event where we had the biggest max this week, but it is also the event that brought us joy and satisfaction!


Photo from our anniversary event

Game Corner

This section features a new puzzle every week for you to play. You can send your Submissions to GeoIonut in DMs for some bot money!

Part 1

Scrambled Words











Part 2

Do you know who? (HF Version)
Guess the Help Force Member

  1. I’m a new staff member, I have a dog, and both my names start with the same letter. Who am I?
  2. I’m a certified curry muncher. I love to recruit, and last month I received a promotion. Who am I?
  3. She is a former staff member. She loves Hatsune Miku. Who is she?
  4. I LOVE CARS VROOM VROOM. I was commander for HF.  Who am I?
  5. I’m a signal on the road, I have three colors, and my name tells you what to do. Who am I?
  6. I’m a commander of HF; my name sounds fierce, and I’ll never admit that I’m bald. Who am I?
  7. I love Christmas, and I’m Santa Claus. Who am I?

Art And Memes Corner

Skimming through the amazing submissions, we’ve chosen the best ones for the week! Make sure to submit your content in #art-memes if you want to get featured in the Help Force Beacon next week!

Credits: Chikn.nuggit

Person/Meme of the Week

The person of the week is someone who dedicates a lot of time and energy into the army. And they’re a meme.

Daily Promotions

Red Amph -> Elite Helper
Menule09 -> Major
SharkySqualo -> Corporal
Lilac -> Captain
Omber -> Major
Royal/Chester -> Lieutenant Colonel
Alex -> Elite Helper
Yellow The Typer -> Amateur Helper
Aeriyanna -> Blue Berets
Nene -> Professional Helper

Question of the Week

What suggestions do you have to improve the Help Force Discord Server?

Submit Your Content

Know any good jokes? Have some thoughts you want to share? Want some extra sapphires? Next week, the best submissions will be featured in this part of the Beacon! Check the bottom of the post for the procedure.

DM GeoIonut on Discord the answers to the games, question of the week, send some, stories, and any content submissions to win Points (20 points for submitting content):HFSapphire:!

And that’s a wrap for this week fellas! See you in the next edition of the Help Force Beacon. Make sure to like & comment on your opinions about the weekly newspaper.

Keep Unleashing the Power of Helping!

Your Answer (no email required)