Food for Every Soul

Hello Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul by myself, Mayathefirst! In this series I interview people from the Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes. For this week’s recipe, I decided to do a SPOOKY interview because its Halloween, and who better to try bothering then our lovely HF Trustee: Snowy!

I started off by asking Snowy some questions about the recipe that she decided to share with us today dont question her free time…

Welcome to our recipe series interview! Can you tell us what recipe you will talking about today? 

Snowy: Today’s recipe is very simple. It’s great for when you have extra ingredients in your pantry and just need to get rid of them; it’s especially useful for that crappy food nobody wants. I guarantee I can help you turn it into a delicious dish with this completely legal recipe.

“This is pizza. I like pizza”

Can you tell us why this recipe is important to you is there any history or story behind it?

Snowy: I can’t say it’s particularly important to me. Sourcing the ingredients can be a hassle. This is more to get rid of the… unwanted ones, I’d say.

If your still scrolling and reading this recipe, your brave because dont forget this is a recipe Snowy gave…

Snowy: This is the recipe!

First you need to take a cup of flour, two eggs, some cocoa powder, and an unlucky visitor. Turn on the oven and improvise from there, please.

No, the visitor is not for eating. It’s for baking the recipe for you. What the fuck were you thinking of?

Listening to guitar while cooking will improve your happiness by 100%.

If you can’t find one in the wild, store-bought (Spotify) will do.

If you actually followed this recipe than CONGRATS!!! your as smart as Snowy’s cooking! Anyways, snowy is there anything else you would like to say to the audience before we end?

Snowy: hi audience!

Maya: ofc you act normal now during an interview :sob

With that, we’ve reached the end of the post. I know you wanted to read more XD but I will be back next time with more fresh and delicious content. If anyone would like to share a recipe with us, DM me with your ideas!

Bon Appetit! <3

Keep Unleashing the Power Of Helping!


One Response

  1. omg this ate maya

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