Faces of the Force – Weird’o

Hello Helpers!! Guess who just invaded on another blog! YES, I am back reviving another blog <33 In this blog I’m gonna interview some of the Troops of Help Force and get to know more about them!! This week on Faces of the Force we have a friendly and charming Helper! She is a new member with her charms shining in just four months! She is showing lots of potential since she is ranking up to being a commodore! This week, we are introducing to the Faces of the Force, our very own Weird’o!!

Please give a hearty welcome to Weird’o! She is a committed member of the AUSIA division, and her current rank is Commodore. We are sure you know her; she can always be seen having fun in the arcadium games and also HF events!!! Weird’o joined Help Force in June and has already made many wonderful memories!  Read the post to find out!

Hi hi Weird’o.! How are you doing today?

Hey! I’m doing good, you?

I’m doing alright thank you! How about you start us off by telling us how did you join the HF?

Oo sure! It’s not a very dramatic story tho XD
Basically, I came across CPJ via an insta meme and thought to relive some childhood memories. I had just made an account and logged in for the first time, right near the end of the Medieval Festival. And on the very first or second day, I saw a group of penguins with very similar dressing out on the stadium. One thing led to another and I ended up joining their discussion and then HF
I had been familiar with the concept of armies on other cp versions, so it wasn’t that new

Since then, how have you been enjoying your time in Help Force? Do you have any fond memories of an event you participated in?

Oh it’s been a lot of fun! The events are always action packed, and personally it’s the arcadium channel that kept me hooked in the initial days and weeks of being in HF. Out of all the events, I think the best one I attended was the one in which we brought the Legends Cup home! That was just legendary (if you pardon my pun) In the fun events category, the Hide n Seek Ru hosted just before cpj shut down last month will always have a special place in my heart

Omg, Ru’s hide and seek was indeed the best 😭.And yeah Arcadium events are always fun
I have seen you draw so well in skribble and gartic phone.. Do you have an interest in art?

Agreed!! Hahaha I wouldn’t say I’m good at it, but I do have fun XD

Haha, so Who are you closest with in Help Force?

Ohh honestly I don’t hang around much after the events end, so I’m not personally very close with anyone. But Nell has always been very welcoming and sweet, and I got along with Lisa and Ru in the brief interactions we had.

Aww, that’s nice <3 they are indeed lovely people
By the way, I noticed you changed your name when you joined HF? is there a connection between Help Force and your name?

Ohh not really! It’s just my discord acct is much older than my cpj acct (obvs 😅) and weird’o was an inside joke amongst my prev discord gang. When I made my cpj acct I didn’t think I would be linking it to my discord, and when I did, the first few events were very confusing for everyone. They kept looking for weird’o on cpj, or coolioo on discord, so I ended up changing my discord username to both. It was after the first sled racing tournament I attended I blv XD Funny story, because of this, I ended up being tagged twice on the alphabet chat! Once for C and once for W!!

oh lmao 🤣 Do you have any hobbies IRL?

Aahh my biggest hobby (or obsession) would be genshin impact! Been playing since 2021 and have rarely missed a day 😅

omg, that’s nice! Maybe tag along with Ru and Valo when they’re playing…Speaking of games. Which mini-game in CPJ is your fav?

Oo ice fishing is definitely my favourite! It’s why I made an acct on cpj! I just wanted to fishhh

What kind of food do you enjoy?

Oo yess would love that!..I generally love desi food, especially biryani that HAS to have aloo (potato) in it
For continental, I can’t say no to a simple cheese pizza

Are you currently reading any books or watching any series? which genre do you like the best?

Ah I’m currently reading Charlene D’Avanzo’s Cold Blood, Hot Sea (tho it’s more for my master’s thesis than for pleasure). Otherwise I generally like the spy thriller genre, in both books and movies/series

Do you interest in music? and Is there a favorite artist or genre you listen to?

Ah honestly I don’t have a favourite artist or genre..its more like..I like what I like? I just listen to whatever catches my fancy. These days I’m reliving my one direction phase, just listening to their old songs

Lastly, is there anything you would like to share with our fellow members of the Help Force?

Ohh hmm sure! Honestly, I came across HF when I was going thru (and still in it tbh) a very tough time in my life, and HF gave me a much needed distraction. As cheesy as it sounds, it made me feel like not all is wrong in the world you know? That we are allowed to have, build, and defend our small pockets of happiness, and no one gets to tell us that we’re being childish or whatever. And that joy and happiness are what you make them – they don’t have to be big or grand. They just have to be. In my mother tongue we sometimes say “hamari choti choti khushian” – which just means that we find small things that make us happy, and maybe that happiness is just in our own eyes/perception, but that’s alright. Ugh got too cheesy there. But my point is, HF is one of my small bits of happiness, and I hope it is so for all of you, and that it remains so! HELP FORCE BEST FORCE!!

Thank you very much Weird’o!!

And that is all for today! I’m happy you joined us, hope you enjoyed it and learned something new about our special guest! Make sure you show Weird’o some love in the chat and stay tuned for another Faces of The Force interview. If you want to suggest new FoTF don’t hesitate to contact us! Thank you again Weird’o and see you next time everyone!

Keep Unleashing The Power Of Helping!



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