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The HF Beacon

ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon. After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!

Table of Contents

HF News

Gamer of the Week

Original Stories

Game Corner

Art Section

Person of the Week

Weekly Promotions

Submit Your Content

Question of the Week

HF News

  • Legends Cup! Our lovely allies, ACP, won this year’s LC! Make sure to congratulate them!
  • Events! This week we had a lot of regular events, but with great maxes! Good job everyone

Gamer of The Week

This week ShadowPlayz won the prestigious award of Gamer of The Week. The HF Beacon team reached out to them for comment on their awards:

First, I want to thank you guys for this GOTW award. I am very thankful for this. We were originally tied with 3 people which were me, Dan and Foxy. To decide we played pac-man! I got the highest score of 8910, they both did very great and I want to congratulate them on that considering that they didn’t win the award, they still did very good. Help force, best force!

Thank you for your words Shadow!

Helpers Book Club

Nothing without an amazing story section. Make sure to read this engrossing corner of the HF Beacon, and let us know if you want to write stories in the upcoming editions!

Percy Penguin

— Mantiuxx

Once upon a chilly day in Antarctica, a penguin named Percy decided to try his flipper at ice skating. As he wobbled on the ice, he couldn’t help but admire the graceful figure skaters gliding effortlessly around him.
Determined to impress his fellow penguins, Percy took a deep breath and pushed off with all his might. But instead of gracefully gliding, he ended up tumbling and sliding uncontrollably across the ice.
“Watch out below!” Percy shouted, barely avoiding crashing into a group of penguins.
As Percy continued his chaotic ice dance, the other penguins couldn’t help but chuckle at his hilarious antics. But instead of feeling embarrassed, Percy embraced his unique style, spinning and sliding with wild abandon.
Soon, the whole ice rink erupted in laughter as Percy’s wacky ice skating became the talk of the town. Even the elegant figure skaters couldn’t help but join in the fun, twirling and pirouetting alongside Percy.
And so, in a flurry of feathers and laughter, the penguins of Antarctica learned that sometimes, it’s the unconventional and silly moments that bring the most joy. Percy’s hilarious ice skating became a beloved tradition, reminding them all that it’s okay to embrace their quirks and dance to the beat of their own flippers.

Game Corner

This section features a new puzzle every week for you to play. You can send your completed puzzle to mantiuxx#0002 in dms!

Scavanger Hunt

.Find the room of the picture below. (Send screenshot and name of the room)

Art And Memes Corner

Skimming through the amazing submissions, we’ve chosen the best ones for the week! Make sure to submit your content in #art-memes if you want to get featured in the Help Force Beacon next week!


Person/Meme of the Week

The person of the week is someone who dedicates a lot of time and energy into the army. And they’re a meme.

Weekly Promotions

These people have worked very hard for the army this week, now its their time to be recognized! Make sure to congratulate them for their hard efforts.

Skillz – Corporal
Wolfi – First Lieutenant
ShadowPlayz – Commando Brigade
Valo – Sergeant Major
Souled – Specialist
ElliotGBoy – Corporal
Jonathan – First Lieutenant

Question of the week:

What looks harder, crocheting or knitting?

Submit Your Content

Know any good jokes? Have some thoughts you want to share, want some extra sapphires? Next week the best submissions will be featured in this part of the Beacon! Check the bottom of the post for procedure of submissions.

DM mantiux#0002 on Discord the answers to the games, question of the week, to send some ships, stories, and any content submissions to win Points (20 points for submitting content):HFSapphire:!

And that’s a wrap for this week fellas! See you in the next edition of the Help Force Beacon. Make sure to like & comment on your opinions about the weekly newspaper.

Unleash the Power of Helping!

Your Answer (no email required)