Hello amazing Helpers! Today on The Dynasty House, we are going to interview one of the most sussy people in the Help Force, someone who has been around for a long time and always active in the chats. Please everyone welcome today’s guest, Mayathefirst!
Mayathefirst joined the Help Force about 3 years ago, since then she has been a very active and a talkative person on the chats, and she earned the title of the most sussy person in the Community. She has grinded through the ranks and managed to join the staff ranks until she became a Second-in-Command, eventually Mayathefirst retired and became known for being one of the great Achievers in the Community. Read the interview below to find out more about her life as a Dynasty in the Help Force mines!
Hello Maya, how are you doing?
Hello Beasto, Im doing good hbu
I’m good thank you, can you start by telling us when did you join the Help Force?
So, I joined the server May 2nd of 2020. Its actually weird but I joined with my irl friend when we both found HF doing an event on cpr that day. We found them at the beach and then followed them to the Forest, and there we asked someone how to join and joined the server
Is your irl friend still in the Help Force?
Yea, she still is, but shes inactive due to irl things. She was active with me when we first started ranking up back in 2020
When did you earn the dynasty role? and how?
Oh god, I dont even remember when, but i think it was when I was a general in 2020, or maybe early 2021, and they gave it to the people that were active and dedicated in HF back then
Did you feel special back then when you got it?
Lol, i dont really think I felt special because alot of other new generals got it too, but it was nice to show that when we retired we would still be connected with all the previous and new dynasties if that makes sense
Who out of the dynasties do you consider your closest friends?
Thats so hard to chose, I would prob say Snowy, Vedant and Mantiuxx prob because I’ve known them the longest and we’re still friends and talk. But also any of the previous staff members I’ve worked with too.
What was your favorite memorable moment in the Help Force?
Its crazy to think that I’ve been here for this long
My favorite moment from HF would maybe be when I got hcom/2ic and got to work with the Commanders on behind the scenes alot more. I didnt realize how much engery it takes to keep the events and things going until then.
What was your favorite thing to do as a High Command?
Favorite thing to do hmm, prob was planning the events, especially the battles or wars. Getting other armies to agree, then figuring out tactics and timings for everything
What hobbies do you have other than being active in the Help Force mines?
Back when I first joined HF, I was doing alot. Now I dont do as much, but I still do Indian dance with a group of friends, I hangout with family and friends whenever I can bc Im busy with other things lol
Do you have any last words you would like to say to our lovely readers?
This is a great community with amazing people to come meet and talk too, even if you dont play cp anymore or just want to chill and hangout! Also dont forget to ask Des for his coconuts stash, ask snowy for food and to come back as commander, and ask mantiuxx to sing
That’s it for today folks! Make sure to like and comment below if you enjoyed reading the post! till Next time
Filed under: Dynasty House, Help Force CP, Web Series Tagged: | Columns, Help Force CP, Mayathefirst HF, The Dynasty House, Web Series
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