Hello Helpers! We logged on for our first battle of the war against SWAT today, and successfully invaded and claimed their land. SWAT decided they couldn’t spare any troops from Roblox recruiting, unfortunately. Thank you Snowflake and Wynn for leading today. Well done today, Helpers, we’ll see you at the next invasion


MAX: 48+ 

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How Would You Help – Doxxing

How Would You Help is a series of web posts where we ask our Staff members questions about what they would do in various scenarios. In this column edition, we approached Rooboo, Javi, Maya, Alex, Yoda, Choco, and Nervous. We will find out how they would help someone receiving doxxing threats.

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Zipline Comics – Knives Out



Greetings everyone! Today marked the day of the first invasion of our war against SWAT. We logged on CPAB and after just 10 minutes, we invaded Tea, as our opponents didn’t show up. Thank you everyone for contributing to this success! It is not the end yet, so see you on Saturday!

Congratulations everyone, we successfully invaded Tea!

MAX: 40+

Comment below if you fought for us today!

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Hello there Helpers! Today we logged on to CPAB for a practice battle against ACP! Thank you to Nervous and Mantiuxx for leading and thank you to ACP for putting up an amazing fight!

MAX: 24+

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Hello there Helpers! Today we logged on to CPAB for a coffee event, dressed up in coffee aprons and bags of beans! Thank you to Yoda and Alex for leading and thank you to everyone who attended!

MAX: 20+

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Hello there Helpers! Today we logged on to CPAB for a practice battle against the Ice Warriors! Thank you to Snowflake and Yoda for leading and thank you to IW for putting up a great fight!

MAX: 27+

Comment below if you attended!

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Name-Switching Shenanigans

It has been more than a month since the Second in Commands Mayathefirst and Desireus switched their names. Following the unprecedented chaos caused by their decision and the recent disasters that were direct outcomes of this irresponsible behaviour, the Helpforce Enforcers of Law (HEL) has decided to bring their misdeeds to light.

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Zipline Comics – Raking

– JonathanJohnJohnson

Declaration of War against SWAT

You will reap what you sow

As of this moment, Help Force officially declares war on SWAT. SWAT has been unnecessarily provoking Help Force, and claiming that we have behaved aggressively towards them. We will not turn a blind eye towards these and other groundless accusations.

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