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How Would You Help?

Hey Helpers! Welcome back to the “How Would You Help” series. This series is dedicated to bringing the HF Staff Team’s responses to various situations or their experiences to you. I ask these questions to hopefully give you a little insight on what the staff does and help you get to know the staff members.

To celebrate the revival of the series, I decided to ask three of our beloved Staff Members: Racoco the Admiral, Mayathefirst the Second in Command, and Rooboo the Second in Command.

What would you do if you felt a troop was being bullied but everyone else laughs it off?

Firstly, we asked our beloved Admiral, Racoco:

That’s a great question, i think first of all i’d ask the troop if they’re okay with what people are saying. Some joke around like that with their friends, so there’s no way for me to know unless i ask them. If they’re not okay with the stuff being said, i’d ask the people who are bulling to stop, tell them that it’s making people uncomfortable and so on. If after multiple warns they don’t stop, more measures would be taken, it just all depends on how bad the situation gets.

Secondly, we asked our glorious Second in Command, Mayathefirst:

If I saw a troop being bullied and no one was helping them, I would tell everyone to stop being rude or stop bullying. I would also dm that person and tell them that their not alone with the bullying by people, and that people Just do it for the attention and fun. I would also tell them about how I get bullied all the time and that you just need to ignore it sometimes and let them be.

And finally, we asked our gracious Second in Command, Rooboo:

This will definitely break my heart and there’s no doubt I’ll be the first person in line to stand up for him/her against anyone. Since I’ve been in Help Force for about 3 years now, I’ve been in endless situations similar to this. There was this person that had a disability and couldn’t type well and I used to see some people laugh at him and this simply shook my heart and I used to shut down any laughter or talk about him and actually try to be his friend. This happened for many others…. Nothing makes me more hurt and angry than seeing someone I know or even don’t know being hurt or bullied or alone or any of that. Idk but I’m usually leaning towards the underrated, the underestimated, and the weak. Even in real life all the fights or serious stuff I’ve been in were always for defending someone, never for myself. I’d definitely, here in HF, shut anyone down for bullying another and do my best to make this person that’s being bullied feel accompanied and not alone. And definitely do my best to create an environment in the place that enables everyone to respect, accompany, and value one another… hence you’ll always see me trying to spread love so I can plant this seed within others; that we’re all here to respect one another and I’ve said this many times. Treat people the same way you wanna be treated…. And never ever bully someone because you don’t know how much this hurts. If it’s a sarcastic matter and the 2 people do it to each other like that generation kind of love idk then it’s all good but if a person doesn’t accept it then don’t mind me not accepting it, for I’ll make u accept it. Love one another, for that’s how life evolves…. And I hope everyone else does the same too. I don’t bash up people from the beginning, I’ll talk to u and try to make u change that first so that’s how we all evolve as well. All’s well ❤️

Very drastic and marvelous responses from our beloved leaders! I must say, they handled the situation well. All of them gave us comprehensive responses, and they resolved the situation and told some tips to the person and showed love and care for them, which is the best thing to do in these kind of situations! They also put their induction, and took good consequences with the people who were bullying the person, and it is very inspiring and insightful, and you can definitely use those skills yourself in these types of problems! Well done!

Thank you for joining us this week on How Would You Help! Join us next week as we interview three more Staff Members!

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