Hey Helpers, this week we started to train for the upcoming Finals of March Madness. Today, we had the first training of the week as we completely focus on tactics, speed, and formations wearing a formal attire that is our uniform. We logged onto CPRewritten – Abominable as we waddled on to Town, Iceberg, and Icerink following the event leaders Wynn, Snowy, and Scorp. At one point, it felt like all of us are trained but at the same time, it felt like we need to improve more and more till we finally are ready to face off Finals this Saturday!
Have a glance at it below and make sure to join us for future amazing events! 💙
GoTW #176
Everyone, please congratulate Zenishira on earning his first Gamer of the Week Title! Welcome to this elite gang, hope to see working hard to win the Specialist one day. Thank you for your hard work!
Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto CPRewritten for our semifinal battle of March Madess ’22, and we won 2-1-0. Thank you Wynn, Snowy, and Scorp for leading, thank you staff and troops for all your dedication, and thank you to TCP for putting up a good fight. See you for the finals, Helpers!
MAX: 49+
Comment below if you attended the battle!
Food for Every Soul
Heyyy Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul, a series by myself where I interview people from Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes! For this post, I decided to interview a very kind and surprising person that jumps right into the chat when least expected and highlights it with him being him. Someone sometimes called insane and sometimes luci! When you ever feel like reviving and talking in chat, it’s always a mark when he’s around! We introduce to you he one and onlyyyy HF Commodore: Lucifer(Insane)! (I thank Rooboo for helping with this <3)
[BREAKING] Help Force Rebrands To Force
ZIPLINE, Help Force Headquarters – You’ve heard the rumors by now, and they are true! The Help Force, after more than 4 years of sticking to the same name, has rebranded. The army will now be known as “Force”. That’s right, just force, no more help.
Faces of the Force – Delitager
Here we are, another week, another Face of the Force! Today we have a special introduction to an amazing person in the Help Force. Introducing an artist, a muse, the greatest and most fabulous Delitager!
Greetings everyone! On Thursday we logged onto CPR for the Abominable [US] MONKEY MASSACRE! At the drill, we mastered with such a performance, for the practice was a great triumph! Thank you everyone for coming and thank you Wynn for leading!
MAX: 17+
Comment below if you attended!