Food for Every Soul

Hello Helpers!!! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul, a series by myself where I interview people from Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes! For this post, I decided to interview an active, caring, loving, hardworking HF Brigadier: Wet Water(Runa)! 

I started off by asking her some questions about this delicious recipe!

Hello Wet Water! Thank you for me letting me interview you today! Can you tell us what type of recipe you will be talking about today?

Wet Water: I will be making Red velvet cookies!

Red Velvet Chocolate Chip Cookies | The Kitchen is My Playground

Why is this recipe important to you, is it a family recipe or any history/story behind it?

Wet Water: This recipe is important to me because, for every Christmas we would make these cookies. We made them this year actually!

Here comes the best part, the Recipe!!! (As described in detail by Wet Water)

Red Velvet Cookies

» The recipe starts with preheating the oven to 375°F (190°C).

» Than using a red velvet cake mix, mix everything together and put some powdered sugar in a sperate bowl.

» Spoon the dough into balls and take the powdered and start rolling the dough balls into the sugar.

» Place the dough balls on the sheet while having 2cm between each cookie.

» Bake the cookies for 8-10 minutes until slightly brown on the sides.

» And just let them cool and you’re done! Enjoy!

Vegan Red Velvet Cookies - Cookie Dough Diaries

Do you have any tips or tricks on making it or why people may like this recipe, or any memories from it?

Wet Water: I have many memories from making these cookies, one of them is when I was making them with my family and the cake batter went everywhere! it was a hassle to clean up but it sure was funny!

 Thank you for sharing this amazing yummy recipe with us Wet Water!

Wet Water: no problem!

With that everyone, we’ve reached the end of the post! We know you wanted to read more xD but I will be back next time with more fresh and delicious content! If anyone would like to share a recipe with us, DM me with your ideas!! Bon Appetit! <3

Keep Unleashing The Power Of Helping!!!


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