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[AUSIA] Santa’s Reindeer Round Up

Greetings penguinkind! Today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten dressed as Santa’s reindeers for a fancy round up! The event took place in Docks, Iceberg, Studium and Ski Hill and was led by Jayden, Crystal and Barnito. After we finish with tactics and formation we had a great time with riddles and scavenger hunt! Thank you all for coming to the today’s event!

MAX: 39+

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[INT] Christmas Tree Party

Hello, everyone! We logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten today with our Christmas Tree outfits 🎄 This event was led by Kara, Monika, Rooboo and Wynn and we had fun. Thank you for attending, guys!

Max: 52+

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Help Force Insight: Crushing the Competition [7/12-13/12]

Help force Insight: Crushing the Competition


What’s poppin yall? Welcome back to this week’s edition of Help Force Insight where we go over everything that happened this week!!! (Monday-Sunday)


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A De-Lice-ious story – Part 1: An Introduction

Today is Thursday, December 10th 2020. By the time I started writing this, means I have been two years already in CP Armies and in what I call the Glorious Gracious Motherland: Help Force. It was never of my like to write posts or, better said, doing these kinds of posts because I simply didn’t enjoy doing them. But this is something that has been on my mind for quite some time already and I think it will be better if I share my thought with all of you. My intention is not to attack, offend or provoke anything, nor is this an exposing post of any kind. I just want to “get this off my chest” and maybe, who knows, help others know how to affront these situations.

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Faces of the Force – Traffic light

Hola Helpers! Welcome back to Faces of the Force! For those who are new or don’t know what FoTF is… I interview an active member of the Help Force and write a post about them. Every active troop has a chance to get FoTF! I’m so honoured to present you this week’s Face of the ForceTraffic light!

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[EU] Christmas Chaos X Semi Finals vs Rebel Penguin Federation

Heyoo Helpers! Today we logged onto CPArmies for the battle against The Rebel Penguin Federation for Semi Finals of Christmas Chaos X Tournament which was led by Barney, resulting in a 0-3 win for the RPF. #PreparationForDomination

Max: 75+

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Aces of AUSIA Semi Finals vs Silver Empire

Heyoo Helpers! Today we logged onto CPArmies – Klondike server for our battle against the Silver Empire, which was led by Nelly, Monika, Joe and Riley/Kara. The Battle went very well with tons of tactics, formations, bombs all performed with perfect coordination and speed. The Battle resulted in a 3-0 win for Help Force and broke the max record again! Good Job Helpers!


Max: 63+

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How To: Battle

How To: Battle

Hey Helpers! Welcome to another How To! For this edition, let’s dive into how we battle over at Help Force!

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[EU] Reminiscence of the Helper Exodus

Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto CPArmies for the 1 year anniversary of the Helper Exodus. We celebrated a happy and amazing 365 days since we joined CPA! It was led by Barney, Elp, Spotty and Daswagger.


Max: 60+

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[INT] Stamp Expedition

Hey, hey Helpers! Today we logged into Club Penguin Rewritten for a huge Stamp Expedition! Led by Planet and Rooboo, the event went marvelously! We got a huge amount of group stamps at the Pizza Parlor, Nightclub, Coffee Shop, Iceberg and Lighthouse along with doing some tactics! Amazing job everybody!!!

MAX: 59+

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