Hola Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Faces of the Force! For the ones who are new or don’t know what FoTF is… I interview an active member of the Help Force and write a post about them. Every active troop has a chance to get FoTF! I’m so honoured to present you this week’s Face of the Force… Pragya!
About Pragya
Pragya is a really active and helpful troop of the Help Force who likes to play Cart Surfer on CP a lot! She also loves to design stuff and to draw. You can always find her in general chat and in AUSIA times because that’s when she’s mostly there.
Please note that nothing in the following interview has been edited from its original words.
HOLA PRAGYA! It’s pretty cool to have you here today uwu
Heyyy!! It’s so good to be here
We are happy to finally get to know you better! So tell us, when did you join HF?
I was recruited by stemv on 27th June 2020 and started being active from the first week of August
Oh wow! We are pretty lucky you were active from the start What’s your current rank?
My current rank is sergeant tier 1
Oh that pretty cool, that means you’ve attended a lot since you joined HF! What do you think it’s the best part of being here?
Tough question, everything, the segments , events, the people and this whole family is adorable!! And choosing one particular thing is difficult
That’s so sweet of you prag! What about a favourite memory? Do you have one?
Well, I remember, when we had teams, I loved those battles haha they were so fun and made me improve myself for events
OMGGGG BRANCH BATTLES!! What team were you?
I was in team pizza and team aliens but looking back idk why I was in pizza cuz now I literally love ice cream loll
LOL Well those were pretty fun times! Is there any staff member you look up to?
Well, tbh each and every one in staff works equally as hard as the other, hats off to each and every person in staff
Cutie … Now changing topics
… How would your perfect day look like?
Hehe, a perfect day would be a day where I am all cozy and I have books and fresh air cuz due to this covid situation I hardly get any fresh air
So you like to read? Cool! What are other favourite things you like to do outside HF?
I love to play guitar, both acoustic and electric, paint, read fictional books , spend time with my friends and family and eating ice cream lol
OMGGGGG you do so many things! That’s amazing! What’s your favourite song to play w the guitar? And do you like acoustic or electric better?
Haha, my fav song to play might be memories by maroon 5 cuz it doesn’t hurt my fingers that much loll and I prefer acoustic cuz I can play it anywhere without plugging it in somewhere
Maroon 5 is amazing and yeah I get that feeling of your fingers hurting! And when we talk about painting? Do you paint more landscapes or people?
I mostly like to paint people cuz it just comes naturally haha
Sounds fair haha… Do you watch any shows or movies?
I used to watch them a lot but now I’m looking for more recommendations because I’m out of ideas hahaha
LOL we should exchange then series! Are you aiming for anything specific in Help Force now?
Well, I mean I am not aiming for anything specific but all I know is I love coming to segs and events cuz they’re so fun
I’m really happy to hear you like attending Prag! Anything you want to tell the readers?
I just wanna say that have fun and keep on aiming for things and you’ll get them, stay in hf as long as you can cuz they are the most amazing people you’ll ever meet
Ty for being here today Pragya! I really enjoyed getting to know you!
Ty for having me heree
Bueno Helpers, that’s everything for this week! Check in next Sunday for a new edition of FoTF. Make sure to comment any new faces you’d like to see in here or if you’ve learnt something new about Pragya!
Signed, Monika!
Filed under: Faces of the Force, Help Force CP, HF of CP
Congrats Pragya!!!
gud FotF monikaa
Amazing Interview Monika , Congrats Pragya
Lovely interview Moni and Praguuu^^ :’)
Myyyy beloved icecream pig :eh: :luv:
Great Interview!! Congrats Pragyaa!!!