Hey Helpers! It’s been a while but it’s here! The staff interviews are back! This time we have the beloved EU General, Holly! She is a wonderful moderator and has been in the help force for quite a while! Let’s get to know her!
Everything in the block-quotes has not been edited in any way except for grammatical errors.
Jellyfish: Hi holly! How long have you been in the Help Force?
Holly: Since February of this year technically
Jellyfish: ooo that’s great, how is it to moderate chats and host segments and events?
Holly: It’s really fun actually. Can be a little bit challenging at times, but coming from a management background it’s fun to have some form of authority back
Jellyfish: A lot of people know already, but why is your role called 24/10/2020?
Holly: Aha! This is my due date for my little girl to be born hehe
Jellyfish: awww that’s cute!
Holly: And she better not be any later than that date either
Jellyfish: ahaha So what’s your favourite tactic when leading?
Holly: Well tbh I’ve only lead 1 event so far sadly but it’d have to be a big effect formation such as X or V with a good old “Help Force Best Force”
Jellyfish: Aw that’s sad but yes! HFBF!!
Holly: Agreed
Jellyfish: What would be your favorite thing to do outside of the Help Force?
Holly: Given the worlds current situation, it’s a little hard to do anything. But definitely meet up with friends, I love my job and miss it a lot.
Jellyfish: awww that sucks, but hey things are getting better! slowly but they are!!
Holly: Yeah aha thankfully. I’m just grateful I found helpforce during this time
Jellyfish: We are always here to help! So, what would be your favorite game in club penguin?
Holly: Either Cart Surfer or fishing!!
Jellyfish: ooo fun, 2 games on polar opposites haha. finally, What’s your favorite color?
Holly: Piiiiiink
And that’s that! If you see Holly around make sure to give her a quick hi! Hope you guys enjoyed an interview with the wonderful Holly and got to know a little bit more about her! There are so many mods you may not know, but don’t worry! We will get to them soon! But for now, we do have other staff that has already been interviewed so go ahead and give that a read!