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[EU] Branch Battles

Hey there Helpers!

As usual on Sunday’s at 4:45pm UK, Help Force logs on to cparmies.net for the weekly branch battles, with this week the final edition of Pizza vs. Ice Cream. Ice Cream were hoping to stay unbeaten for every week while of course Pizza were searching for their first win. The result ultimately went to a draw, with a final score of 1 – 1 and 3 drawn rooms!

Max: 44+

Judge Tistle was once again delivering the verdict of this battle. Here was his review of the fight:

Branch Battle: :EQ:vs :EZ:

Room 1: Hidden Lake A really fun room to watch, with both teams bringing speed and quality to their tactics. Pizza had a small size advantage but Ice Cream edged them for speed. Pizza’s scatter formation was risky but it worked, and Ice Cream after long thought was given a draw, after a good room from both.

Room 2: Iceberg I felt this was slightly more separated. Ice Cream formed their formations much quicker and cleaner than Pizza, with a powerful X formation at the start. They kept their strength up the whole way and Pizza were struggling to slow them down. I felt Ice Cream deserved this very much.

Room 3: Beach Pizza were then lethargic into the new room and formation. Ice Cream were a long way ahead, but gradually Pizza fought back into the game. They covered Ice Cream at various times and I felt they did enough to salvage a draw after a strong ending.

Room 4: Ice Rink Ice Rink was another great room, with both teams using new tactics, most notably in their bombing strategy. Pizza were very strong, and to an extent quicker than Ice Cream which meant their total tactics were higher. For this reason, Pizza narrowly won this room.

Room 5: Box Dimension This was another evenly matched room. Formations and tactics were as strong as ever and speed was practically mirrored too at times. I couldn’t separate the teams since there wasn’t a clear difference between them, which lead to the third draw of the contest.

Final Score: :EQ: 1 – 1 :ez:

Congratulations to Ice Cream on going 5 battles without defeat, but also fair play to Team Pizza on another good display and a vast improvement on previous weeks!

25 Responses

  1. I attended!

  2. I attended!

  3. I attended Jcn101, ty for hosting

  4. I attended!! Ty for hosting, but I had to leave for the last 5 mins

  5. Attended
    We are the Wynners!

  6. I attended!- Slush

  7. I attended- LadyJocelyn

  8. I arrived…at 2am in the morning…save me


  9. I attended!

  10. Hello i attended. My name is cooper pvp and thx for hosting!!!


  12. I attended -Skillz

  13. i attended!! icecream dream team

  14. I attended and it was worth it!


  16. I attended. Amazing battle!

  17. Attend event love pizza

  18. THANK YOU FOR HOSTING, Snowflake-Soft.

  19. I attended!

  20. I was there

  21. i was there


  23. hi is dogerobloxoo i was there tho

  24. […] Click Here To Check The Event Post! […]

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