Hey Helpers! It’s time again for GoTW! This week’s Gamer is monika! Congrats!
GoTW #76 – monika
[AUSIA] Supernova Takeover
Hey Helpers! Today the AUSIA Division logged onto CPR- Blizzard for a Supernova Takeover. They went through the Town, Beach and Ice Rink. The event was hosted by Barnito and Jayden.
Max: 25+
Make sure you comment below for promotions!
HF Insight: War! Again?
Hey there! Welcome to the HF Insight, or HFI for short!
The HF Insight will be about the previous Sunday along with the following Week. (i.e. Sunday-Saturday)
Weekly Reflection
Week In Review
[ 4/26 – 5/2]
This week has been great with tons of Operations, Fun Events! Let’s keep trying to increase our max, and continue the amazing work!
Max Averages
AUSIA: 27 [-]
EU: 37 [↑6]
US: 34 [↑11]
Main Event Max: 42 [↑13]
Branch Battle Max: 28 [↓7]
Hello Helpers! After another week of events, we logged on to CPATG – Alaska for our branch battle! Team Fire took a pretty good turn by defeating Team Water 3-2. The battle went well with amazing tactics and formations.
MAX : 27+
Comment if you came for points!
[EU] Detective Takeover
Hey Helpers! Today the EU Division logged onto CPR for a Detective Takeover led by Komal, Nelly & Tistle. The rooms consisted of the Ice rink, Beach & Forest. Many different tactics, bombs and formations were performed. Good Job Helpers!
MAX: 29+
Make sure you comment below for points!
Help Force cease-fire on ACP as World Conflict halts
With recent news coming from ACP and RPF having ceased fire on their current war, Help Force have been pushed to terminate their enemy status with ACP.
Disclaimer: This post includes mature language
News has arrived within the last hour from ACP and RPF, with armies agreeing to hold their fire on one another and settle the current global war for the time being. This has meant that despite HF only declaring war on ACP less than 48 hours ago, it has been forced to stop because of these events. HF’s only action since declaring war has been a server invasion of Northern Lights which maxed 42, and will not proceed to attack and raid enemy servers with the world war on pause.
Invasion Of Northern Lights
Hey Helpers! Today we invaded Northern Lights, in which nobody showed up to defend.
MAX : 42+
Comment if you attended!