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War Declaration On ACP

Help Force has decided that we can not stay on the sidelines any longer.

Disclaimer: This post includes strong language


With all the on goings in the community, we are picking our side. We’ve stayed neutral as long as we have due to not being able to choose a side. The decision was hard, but the things ACP have said about us are unforgivable.

Rebel Penguin Federation were not the only ones who had been shit talked about in the posts exposing ACP (click here to view). Our own allies went behind our backs and targeted us. I need not discuss what had been said in those posts too in depth, as majority of you have already seen. We are more interested in what came after.

The (Several) Apologies

Saying “sorry” or “it won’t happen again”, does not mend the broken.


ACP has tried to apologize to us for their comments on a multitude of occasions. First, their lackluster public response. The entirety of the post was ACP excusing their comments against their own allies. Yes, at the time there was alleged troop stealing. Alongside this, they act as if they only time they had said anything against HF was during that situation. In a conversation I held with an ACP moderator, it appeared as if that situation was not the first time we have been shit talked about.

A conversation with an ACP moderator, obviously blacked out to protect them.

Soon after this post I had asked CSY for a statement from Bschar, the person in which said this;

I did receive the statement. Through CSY. I suppose you can tell for yourself if this justifies a comment as disgusting as that.


All of this was said and done. And we still remained neutral. Today Koloway came begging to me the help ACP. In return for helping, he promised us an apology from each member involved in the screenshots in the exposes.

CSY spent hours typing up a letter. But nowhere did we see comments from the members involved. Nowhere did we see reprimand of their staff. All we got was what they’d do better in the future. This letter was no better than the previous.


ACP is not sorry for what has happened. They are only sorry because they were caught.


The moderators of ACP have spoken.


Help Force officially terminates our alliance with Army Of Club Penguin and declares war against them.



  • A 24 hour notice will be given before each invasion.
  • Allies are allowed.
  • If you are at an event on CPR you cannot be on CPATG at the same time.
  • No more than 2 invasions a day.
  • No harassment of troops allowed.
  • And for the love of god, don’t threaten to murder us or our families. 


Invasion of Northern Lights

Friday, May 1st
3pm EST | 12pm PST | 8pm BST | 12:30am IST


9 Responses

  1. Ready for war

  2. please make your pictures bigger because i have vision problems ty

  3. WAR WAR WAR WAR!!!!

  4. ready to be stinky huh

  5. […] On 30th April 2020, the Help Force declared war on the Army of Club Penguin. HF’s war declaration was based on the excessive amount of insults upon them by the ACP Staff along with other reasons stated in their war post (click here.) […]

  6. […] 30th – In an unprecedented move, HF, who are allies with ACP and RPF, declares war on ACP. HF say they cannot stay on the sidelines any longer and present pictures of ACP staff […]

  7. […] That alliance ended with HF declaring war on ACP on May 2nd, 2020. You can check out that fact here. You can also view our nations page to see our allies here. Neither RPF nor IW helped us. RPF had […]

  8. […] On 30th April 2020, the Help Force declared war on the Army of Club Penguin. HF’s war declaration was based on the excessive amount of insults upon them by the ACP Staff along with other reasons stated in their war post (click here.) […]

  9. […] 30th – In an unprecedented move, HF, who are allies with ACP and RPF, declares war on ACP. HF say they cannot stay on the sidelines any longer and present pictures of ACP staff […]

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