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The Help Force Diaries

Howdy Helpers! Welcome back to yet another edition of the Help Force Diaries, where we review the latest events and news from inside the Help Force! This week was HUGE for Help Force as we hit 10000 server members, an achievement unmatched by every other army on CPO. This week in general was a lot more eventful than last week, with the inclusion of more segments, more army events and even the addition of brand new roles. So let’s recap, what happened this week in the Help Force?

Dear Diary
Monday’s event was perhaps one of the most controversial events in Help Force’s history, as Templar’s united forces with Help Force with the objective of overturning Light Troop’s dominance over Army League and capturing land for our own. The invasion of Flurry on Monday night saw around 50 Help Force and 20 Templar’s fight against similar maxes from Light Troops, who defended against this new unity. However, foreshadowing the event was confusion, as clocks all around the world were moved forwards by 1 minute, meaning each room was out of sync. Despite this lack of co-ordination between armies, Help Force members still secured promotions after a well fought battle with Light Troops, leaving us in expectation of what the future holds for the 3 armies.
Tuesday was most notable for the segments, as Help Force Leaders Spotty and Lottie hosted their first segments for a while, in a bid to achieve the milestone of 10,000 server members. This segment lasted 2 hours, following suit of the extreme segment hosted on Monday by Aoao, Skeleton Lad and Maurox. 10,000 members was successfully achieved, leaving the chat stunned to silence in disbelief. To think that 6 months ago, Help Force had only 5,000 members and since have doubled the total members is extraordinary. None of this could have been done without the consistent 3 Zonal Recruitment’s and the diligent work of all the Helpers who participated. We salute you!
The next big occasion was the Saturday where Help Force logged on to Zipline for the week’s big army training, celebrating 10k members for the first time on CPO. This event, lead by Leaders Spotty, Lottie and Tistle saw a max of 73+, illustrating proof of the lift in emotion within the army, without mentioning a max of nearly 20 more than last week. This event was a massive success, as tactics were performed fluidly and Helpers were rewarded with promotions, concluding this week’s army events. Here are a selection of photos taken of the event:
As you may have seen from this final picture above, this tactic was dedicated to HF Mod Banana, who announced his retirement from Help Force after almost 6 months of service as HF staff. The chat was once again stunned to disbelief at this news, as Banana made a speech after the event, thanking everyone for making Help Force so special for him. We’ll always miss you Banana!
Spotty: “Banana, I’m gutted to see you retiring. You’ve been part of our team for nearly 6 months and you were such a pleasure to work with. I’d like to thank you for everything you’ve done for Help Force and we will all miss you terribly.:heart::pensive:
Lottie: ” Omg Banana I can’t believe you’re retiring, we got Trial and Mod together too :sob: I lysm Banana, you’re honestly the best, I’m gonna miss you being part of our crazy staff team! I wish you well, Happy retirement! :sob: :heart:
Tistle: “Terribly sad to hear you’re retiring Banana, I remember my first stamp segment in June where I saw you as an icon with all your stamps and ever since I’ve always admired your generosity and kindness to everyone in the Force. We’re all gonna miss you so much!:banana: :heart:
Sunday’s Fun-event was also part of our celebrations for reaching 10,000 members this week, which consisted of a Card-Jitsu Fire Tournament hosted by Spotty, attended by 46 members! After many intense rounds, the deserved champion was Mahorin, after she showed great determination and fought off the rest of the competition, including defending champion Juanita in the final! Congrats Mahorin!
This week’s Gamer of The Week was won for the first time by SnowMirror! Her ceaseless attendance in segments was reflected by a convincing victory, winning with 6070 points, 650 points more than her closest rival! Congrats again on your first GoTW Snow! Thoroughly deserved!
In other news this week, 4 new Roles were added: Mighty Assassin, Grand Assassin, Legendary Assassin and Elite Helper. These roles, after popular demand, have been added in the hope that activity among the higher members in the army will not fade and that it always keeps a continuing aim every week to aim for. Also, only because now we have reached 10,000 members, doesn’t mean segments are slowing down! The Recruitment’s are still going to be relentless as ever, and to also help out in getting that brand new role! :wink:
As always, thank you for reading this week’s edition of the Help Force Diaries, we hope to see you again the coming segments, events, and tournaments! So always remember, to Unleash the Power of Helping!

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