Starting this Post itself gives me Chills. Never had I thought that a time would come where I would have to leave the Community , The Family , The Club Penguin Online’s Army I formed : The Help Force.
If this Post has been Published , It means that I , Unfortunately have retired from all the Armies , The Help Force and each Community which I was in the Virtual World.
Click on the “Read More” to Go through the Entire Journey of me and the Help Force.
A Sunny Evening of March 2018 , Don’t know from where , But I did get the Idea to form something which would help people with stamps. And hence , the Help Force was formed. Originally , the name wasn’t **The Help Force** , It apparently was called as the **Helping Friends**.
Armies in Club Penguin have been for a Long time , On and off , Forming and Dying , They always have had an Impact in the Community. I originally am not from those times , I joined Club Penguin Online in February 2018 and Formed the Army in March.
The Starting days were not Tough , Because we didn’t know what we were going in. Stamp Segments , Missions kept happening , We bonded together , Made it a Family but didn’t know anything about Having a Website or Recruiting or Battles or Tactics or any such sort of stuff , Weird , Isn’t it?
All of it changed when the Legends Cup of 2018 Came. We were introduced to Battles , Formations , Tactics and that’s when we started practicing for them. It was July when we all got to know that what we had formed was actually an Army and not a Fun Hangout Group.

One of the First Battle Practices !
We grew , Recruited , Achieved. We won our First battle , The First Ever battle with the Wild Ninjas , But lost in the 2nd Round. We started Practicing More , Hosting Events more. The Help Force in July-August was a Complete New HF , An Army which looked ready to Fly and achieve great Heights soon.

First Admin Cup !
There were many things that we introduced to the Help Force at that Point. New Events , Official Events , I would here like to thank everyone who was in the Staff Team at that point , Because Not gonna lie , Whatever we have right now wasn’t possible without you.
Months Passed like that , The Concept of Alliances came into Action , The Max started to grow from 10-15 to around 20. Fun Events were hosted now and then and the Discord Server almost had around 300 Members.

Retirement of Webshade.

The Original Family Feud of HF.

The First Staff Team.
The Time when the Alliance between HF and Ninjas formed , That was the point of change in the Max of the Help Force. Troops started getting active due to frequent Fun Events and Igloo Raids. Soon , We also had the Christmas Chaos Tournament in which we managed to Fight one of the best battles in the CPPS’ History : HF v Pirates which indeed we lost.
If you ask me , “When was the Turning Point in the History of HF from where the Army accelerated” , My Answer would be the same. The Event in which suddenly 35-40 Troops came and Participated was around the Year end , When Morty Retired. The Event was one of the best coordinated events Help Force has ever had.
The Participation Accelerated hence. We started doing Army Events every Saturday and on Weekdays , we started training for different Time zones , The Help Force had changed and it was better than ever before. Even though during this time , There were some major dramas that had happened , Each of us survived through them but we never did let the Army and it’s Spirits down.

Attacker’s Birthday.

First AUSIA Event.
The January Drama did affect the Help Force’s numbers to an extent , But Soon , in some Weeks , we were back on Track with an Event again Changing Everything. It was this time that we also managed to get into the Golden Age of the HF for the First Time under my Lead. [ Maxing 60+ ].

60+ , Including Both Rooms.
March got close and the HF’s Birthday came ! There was a Whole week hosted , Full of Fun Events , A Staff Re union along with a Huge Event were done to Commemorate this Occasion.

Staff Reunion.
The Thing I want to state here is that , The Pace with which we grew , The Help Force grew was Insane. No one of us who were leading at first had thought that this would grow this much bigger. Time just flew , and it just is so difficult imagining that I’ll have to leave this Community which I myself have Nurtured till today.
These Past months , Full of Battles , Winning the Major ones together , Maxing around 70 In all , Being the Biggest Club Penguin Online Army , Being at the Top Position in the Top Ten Armies , All of these achievements that i’m leaving with are just incredible to imagine.
- Click Here to see the Maxing 70 Post.
- Click Here to see the Win against the Pirate Army of CPO.
- Click Here to see being No.1 in the Army League.
- Click Here to see the Old Website of the Help Force.
This Week has been Sad for me indeed. Even though all the memories of mine in this community were relieved , The mere fact to leave this scares the shit out of me. Here are some of the Pretty Gifts I’ve received in the form of Pictures or Videos from the Staff Team , Other People , etc.

A Card for me by the Staff of HF.

Spotty , Me , Kava.

By Skeleton Lad [Rextro]

Kiara <3

Danilo’s Art ,
Potato , Danilo , Me , Attacker , Morty.
Thank you Everyone for your wishes , Gifts , and after all the Memories we’ve had. HF would not had been this amazing for me if y’all were not there.
At the End I just want to tell Everyone that , No matter what happens , No matter whichever Storm comes , Hold your hands together , Stay United and Let Help Force’s Legacy Prevail. United we Stand , Unleash the Power of Helping , My Fellow Helpers.
The Baton to Lead the Help Force CPO thus passes to Elpiojo and Spotty803.
I’ll be visiting the Discord on and off , Seeing how are y’all doing , Won’t ever forget y’all and Obv , Dont Forget your Army’s Owner Smh lol.
As the tradition says : This Song suits the best , Adios Helpers , Will See you soon 🙂
————————-> Some People who changed and Affected my Journey in this Community in a Positive Way , If your name is not there , It doesn’t mean I don’t consider you as a Friend , Every Helper to me is a Friend.
Icycreamey [Kavacado]
Rope [Twix]
Stuttles [Megs]
Shrek [Kluck]
Tiago [WrestlingWWE]
Muchwatts [Elp]
Chloe [Cookie]
Elle [Lhyoon]
Lottie [Moonpops ftw]
Asshole [Kuklapa]
CpWorld2001 [Flen]
Nate Ham
Tyler [Blueink]
Bella [Mack]
and the list continues and the time flies…
see you again…:)
Filed under: Get to Know your Staff, Help Force CP, Help Force Insights, HF CP, Important News Tagged: | Retirement of Ayan
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