CPOnline Guide: Want more friends on CPO?
Are you feeling lonely on CPO?
How To: Recruitment Segments
Hey there! Welcome to the How To! Today we are gonna learn about recruitment segments.
What are Recruitment Segments?
Well, Recruitments Segments are probably how you joined the HelpForce, a bunch of helpers wear their uniform and invite you! (oh and you get points, but that isnt important, is it?)
Let’s take a look at what you need to do in a recruitment segment!
A Recruitment Segment starts with an announcement as shown below:
A Recruitment Segment is always hosted by a Moderator or a Leader and usually is announced within 1 to 3 hours before it starts.
Massive Superhero Raid – SUCCESS
Hey there Helpers , Help Force yesterday logged into Zipline to host their Huge Superhero Raid ! It was also a Special Event because a Very Old Veteran of HF – Kiara753 retired from her Mod-Ship.
Here are some Pictures from the Event :
Max : 50