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The Attacker Story

Hello Help Force, as many of you I am one of the leaders of Help Force along with Ayan, Spotty, and someone else coming soon :). About a week ago I got into a situation with one of the members in our discord server and I was very immature and took the situation very poorly which has led me to step away from my leader abilities for a while and for that I’m really sorry. This is a little something that I wrote that is now being public to the community.

“Didn’t really realize what I was doing I guess. I know many of you might be confused and I’m sure there will be an announcement soon explaining everything but for now, it seems like I will be gone for a while and I just wanted to explain a little. For the past 2 months, I’ve been going through a breakup, as some of the staff know I was with this girl named Abby and at once she was actually in the server but yeah blah blah we were together for 17 months and she cheated on me. Second, I’ve kinda just been going through depression for about 2 years now, I see a counselor at school most days about it and its one of the reasons I can’t really control myself because I kind of just lose track of everything. Thirdly I’ve been going through family issues at home. About 2 years ago my aunt stole $250,000 from a school and shes in jail so yeah… also my parents are abusive sometimes and throw shit at me trying to hurt me and yeah… Cuatro I hate the school I go to, I don’t really have any friends and I never wanted to be here I always wanted to go to a different school where my friends are and it sucks because I have lost a lot of friends over the past 2 years because I never get to see them anymore since they all go to different schools so on the weekends and after school I’m always kind of alone and you guys are like the only people who are there :/. Lastly, I’ve come close to taking my own life at moments due to all of this so yeah. Sorry about today, many people know what has happened and this is just explaining where it came from.”

So yeah I hope that clears some things up for everyone. As many of you know I try to be a really fun leader and sometimes I get too distracted by the rules and try to start having to much fun which leads to punishments so I’m sorry. My one and only goal here is to make an impact on the community and to make everyone happy that they joined us. I want everyone who works with me to have a great time and I hope one day it can be like that again. I love you guys.

Waddle on,


Help Force Leader: July 2018 – February 2019

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