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PandaBelly's retirement ):

Hello everyone! It’s me, PandaBelly. Some of you may know for being a HelpForce Moderator or/and a CPO moderator! As you can probably tell by the heading, I’ve decided to leave the HF. This was a hard decision to make, and they were many factors which influenced my decision. The main being that I am just extremely busy, and as some of you may have noticed, I have become inactive recently. I have also been involved in CP armies for 9 years, and I think I’ve outgrown the concept of armies.

I’ve been a member of the Help Force for about 9 months, although I didn’t go as ‘PandaBelly’ till a few months ago. It seems just like yesterday Ayan DMed me a HF invite, and I joined just to troll (yes, I was one of those annoying trolls. I wasn’t even good at trolling). When joining, I didn’t expect to fall in love with a community this much.
I fell in love with the Help force for various reasons. I loved the overall idea of the army. Never had I seen an army which focused on helping people oppose to doing tactics. I also loved the frequent game tournaments and events. I still remember my first stamp segment, since the members were kind enough to help me obtain stamps of my choice. I would like to give a special thanks to the staff team. Over the past few weeks, I’ve come to notice how much love you guys have for the HF, and how much work you put into running this amazing army. You guys deserve so much more credit than you receive. I’d also like to thank Ayan, he invited me to the HF, and quite recently promoted me to a moderator. I have never seen someone so dedicated to making an army and work so hard to improve this army. Your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed!
The main reason I fell in love with this army and become very active was the amazing community. This is a one of a kind community, a community nothing else can compare to. You guys are the core of the Helpforce, and there would be no Helpforce without you guys. You guys are so kind and funny! Whenever I’m having a bad day, I know there would be someone in the Helpforce who’d make me smile, which is something I’m going to miss deeply. Even just talking to one person makes me so happy. I have formed such wonderful friendships and connections while in the HF, which I’ll treasure forever. I love every single one you guys so much! We’ve also gone through so much as a community- inactivity, the number of members not increasing, CPR drama, Staff drama etc. But because we have stuck together through all of these hardships, we’ve always gotten through it, and become a stronger community in the end!
You’re probably thinking, ‘sis, you’re being a tad bit dramatic writing a retirement speech and everything when you were only a mod for like 2 weeks’. For me, this isn’t just about me leaving the HelpForce, this is about me close one chapter of my life, and moving on- something I’ve always been scared to do. Although I once loved the idea of armies, armies just aren’t for me anymore. I don’t want to end on a negative note, so I have decided to share my
Top 5 HF experiences:
5. Attending my first ever stamp segment! I remember the first stamp everyone helped me receive was the happy room stamp. Ayan lead this event.
4. Winning the first ever game tournament I attended. It was a CJF tournament and even though I was a huge noob, I won (because I’m just that good).
3. Becoming a moderator. This occurred quite recently, and I was over the moon to find out that Ayan thought I’d be a good fit for the role. I have enjoyed my time as an HF mod.
2. Joining the help force. During that moment, I didn’t know I would fall in love with a community that much, but I did!
1. Meeting all you guys! I have formed many friendships over the course of my time here, and I know we will continue being friends for a long time!
I’ll insert some cute photos below. Anyways, this isn’t goodbye, as you may see me pop in occasionally, and I’ll definitely be coming to the 1-year anniversary celebration! Thanks for the memories (hopefully ya’ll get the reference).
My heart will go on :))

Because Leonardo DiCaprio is hot and this is such an iconic song. Recommendation: get a box of tissues when watching ):
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNyKDI9pn0Q?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&autohide=2&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent]

Signing off, PandaBelly ❤

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