Double Trouble: Zenishira & Fera

Hi helpers!! Welcome to the latest edition of your favourite blog, Double Trouble. The series where Dhanush and PinguMaliz hunt out the besties of Help Force, interview them, and test how much they know about each other. For this week, we brought to you the ex-staff duo of Zenishira and Fera (aka Ender), shortly put Zender!

Double Trouble

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Greetings fellow Helpers. Today was the day where 10 different armies came together for Operation: Doomsday. Armies such as ACP, RPF, TCP, PIC, Aliens, Church of Aurora and Help Force participated in this event. Today also marked ACP’s 18th birthday! Huge thanks to Jo, Diwix and Zenishira for leading this event and to all those who came. Until next time!

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Hello Helpers! Today we logged on CPA Battleground, Blizzard for a battle against the Templars to take their lands. It was an easy take as the Templars were afraid of us to the point where they logged off and did a no show. Thank you to the Hcom for leading the event, and thanks to all attendees for coming to the event!

Max: 26+

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[US] Defense of Hot Chocolate

Hey Helpers! We logged on CPA Battleground today for yet again, another Defense of Hot Chocolate, in another battle Templars with our ongoing war. We had our wonderful leaders Jo, and our High Command Joe, Zenishira and Ru lead us as we defended! Thank you to all who stood up together in combat to defend our motherland!

MAX – 19+

Defense of Hot Chocolate

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Hello Helpers! Yesterday, we logged on CPAB, Stadium for a 5 all out armies Battle Royal that turned into a Joint event! Thank you BEASTO, Zenishira and the other armies event leaders for leading the event! Thanks to everyone for attending the event!

Max: 20+

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Hello Helpers, today we logged on CPAB and fought our brother allies, the Army of Club Penguin as part of the first phase of the February Training Camp. Thanks to everyone who attended the event and kudos to Zenishira and Beasto for leading the event!

Max: 19+

Comment below if you attended!

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This Week In Arcadium | Week 4

It has been almost a month since the Arcadium merged with the Help Force. One month in, the Arcadium continues to host many fun events. This week, we saw more rigged Roblox games, a word search hosted by the sussiest person, and a fun game of Cart Surfer. You know, the usual rigged games.

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