Warlock – Chapter One

Chapter One – The Beginning

What is the first thing you do every morning? Now that’s a question which can get you a lot of different answers. From walks to preparing for the day to just idling around, people tend to do a lot of nice or sometimes weird things. For me, my morning routine always involves checking up on Discord to see what I missed. And on May 27th, 2020, that particular habit of mine changed the very face of my online life.

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Howdy Helpers! This evening we logged onto CPR for another breathtaking battle between our teams, Fire, and Water! The fight took place at Night Club, Stadium, and Lighthouse and was led by Joe, ROOBOO, Mayathefirst, AbosoluteTrash, Diwix, and Scorpion Demon. Thank you, everyone, for coming, and congratulations Team Fire on turning the tide and winning with a score of 2-1!

MAX: 57+

Comment below if you attended the event!

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