Song Of The Week #18 – Rehna Tu

*gasp* Finally, a breath of fresh air. It feels so good to temporarily escape from Wynn’s basement. Temporarily, because it is obvious she will soon track me down and drag me back inside. And I would be a really shitty musician if catching up on the latest music wasn’t the first thing I did after escaping. Thus, presenting to you, Song Of The Week #18!

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Through The Eyes Of A New Recruit – Samari

Recruits are what keep our army alive and kicking. With every new person, our family grows bigger and becomes more fun to be a part of. That is why the idea emerged to give new recruits a chance to voice their opinions. At the same time, the vets get to reminisce about their time as new recruits and find relatable points with our newest members. Thus, let us take a look at the Help Force through the eyes of a new recruit.

Cutiejea's alt ARCHIVED on X: "Dear @CPRewritten THESE PENGUINS ARE SO CUTE  AND ADORABLE!!!! If you know who drew these, pls give me their contact cuz  I'D LOVE EM!!!! #ReleaseTheCutePenguins" /

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Samari’s Scandal

It’s no secret that Samari secretly owns the Help Force. Although that contradicts itself, here is how she secretly owns our souls so secretly.

Designed By Wynn

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