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Jellyfish’s Stinky Polls – Extended Stinkification

Welcome back to another edition of the stinkiest polls in Club Penguin Army history. Despite it being two years since he retired, Jayden’s stink still prevails strong enough for these polls to continue. However, in the previous few weeks he consistently wrote a total of zero posts, which invited a host of complaints from people. I am not saying complaints are bad, after all that’s just a normal thing for every single stinky Helper out there to do the moment something happens. But since I got annoyed by the complaints, here you go, a substitute for the Jellyfish’s Stinky Polls.

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Enforcer’s Demonic Polls

ZIPLINE, Scorp’s Office – Recently, I stepped down from my position from Second in Command. Since Jayden, another retired 2ic, is busy with his exams, a thought occurred to me – would people even notice if a different retired 2ic wrote Jayden’s column? Thus, I decided to conduct this experiment. As expected, no one I DMed questioned why a different person was taking the poll this week! Except Ru. Fucking. Emma. Always noticing everything. Screw you, Ru, I had a legendary joke planned.

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